This is a very high time for CAT 2018 aspirants, as CAT exam is just 5 days away. It is a crucial phase and you need to stay calm and confident during this imperative period and devise the last week strategy for CAT 2018, that keeps you focused till you finished your exam on November 25, 2018. Make a proper strategy to take the fruit of your hard work.
The CAT toppers and experts mentioned the importance of preparation strategy, time management, speed and accuracy during the three hour CAT 2018 exam time along with the techniques to select questions, and the number of questions to attempt in order to achieve high percentile.
We’re assuming that by now you have covered all the major topics of the three sections of the exam – DILR, QA and VARC. This is primarily the time to practice and revise for the final showdown on 25 November 2018. We bring here 7 Tips and Tricks and preparation strategy for CAT 2018 aspirants to crack the Management Entrance Exams. Pre-planning and a systematic approach for any exam will help you to improve your performance.
Believe in yourself, keep calm and focus!! The three mantras an aspirant must follow!!
Last Week Strategy for CAT 2018
1. Study Pattern
Continuously focusing on a particular topic or a single subject for a long time will frustrate your mind. Try an intermittent study schedule to avoid this fatigue. For example, take a short break from your subject/topic and then switch to another.
In this last minute preparation strategies for CAT 2018, try not to learn any new topic and focus more on revision and analyzing the recurring errors and rectifying them. In the last few days, it is advantageous to revise the formulas and concepts.
READ Too: CAT 2018 Mock Test Released, Special Features Added For Question Display
2. Avoid Last Minute Discussions
You should be focussed, Confident and determined on the exam day, that would be your key for the day. Before the start of the test, a lot of candidates tend to discuss with peers or indulge in last minute preparation. Do not let yourself or anybody else distract you from taking the test in a confident state of mind. This hampers the concentration and focus of the test takers. Hence, before taking the test just to be relaxed and focus on your test-taking strategy.
3. Time Management
Time is the most precious resource for all the tests. As the sections are time bound in CAT, you need to manage your time for three sections. Your time management strategy would be separate for the sections depending on your hold for the section. You are the best judge on how to manage the time per section. Ensure that you do not spend more than two minutes per question and leave some buffer time for the recheck.
Defined your time limit to solve each question. If you could not solve it within the designated duration, skip the question and would go back later if there was time left.
You need to solve quantitative and logical questions in secs or a min. Here is a clear pacing strategy that will help you time the test better.
- DILR: six to eight minutes for a set of four questions.
- QA: two minutes per question
- VARC: Maximum eight minutes for reading a passage and 90 seconds to answer each question based on that passage
4. Speed & Accuracy
Performance in the CAT 2018 is highly dependent on your level of preparation and your strength i.e command over the topics you consider to be your hold.
Owing to the negative marking scheme, be very careful while marking the answers. For each correct answer three marks would be awarded but for each wrong answer, one mark would be deducted. However, for the subjective type questions, there is no negative marking scheme.
If you have an accuracy level of 100 % for your answers in the exam, then there are chances to secure a very good percentile, 99+ even you have not attempted all questions. You don’t just need to solve the questions but to solve them extremely fast and correct. It is important to keep the accuracy of 100%, do not let it dip below 90%.
READ ALSO: 7 Mistakes CAT Aspirants Should Avoid While Appearing For Exam
Speed matters a lot. So, you need a lot of techniques, like rounding up fractions to estimate the answer faster etc to write tests at such a speed, that you can complete the tests within the stipulated time.
In order to ensure accuracy, attempt only those questions which you are confident about. If the questions are calculation intensive, crosscheck the calculation and recheck the answer twice. Also, as non-MCQs do not carry negative marking, try to attempt all.
5. Start with Your Comfortable Section
It is always better to start the test from your strong area within a confident state of mind. After selecting the section, start attempting the most comfortable questions first. This will make you comfortable with the test and boost your confidence and it will eventually help you to tackle the tricky questions as well. After you solve the easier questions within the minimum duration, you will be left with the tougher questions and rest of the allotted time to solve with full concentration and focus.
6. Check Answers Before Final Submission
Revision of the answers filled should be done before final submission. There are chances that you would commit some unwarranted errors like forget to mark the correct option, a question left unanswered. Cross-checking the answer comes to rescue in such situations. Ensure that you keep some buffer time for each section for revising the questions before the sectional duration ends. This strategy of keeping buffer time helps in cracking all management and other entrance exams.
7. Focus, Motivation and Positive thoughts
Stay motivated is the key to success in any exam. if you feel any doubt or query, Do not feel embarrassed to ask. Focus on your strong areas. Try working on your weak areas. Even if you can’t, it’s okay.
Your thoughts before and during the CAT exam can affect your test-taking ability, therefore, you must avoid any negative thoughts, fear of competition or overthink. This can cause stress and lower your morale. You need to keep yourself relaxed so that you can take the CAT 2018 exam with a sorted mind. To get the best result of your CAT preparation, you need to focus, be determined and avoid any contradictory thoughts.
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!! AfterGraduation wishes Common Admission Test 2018 Aspirants a very Best Luck !!
Determination paves the way to success. Willpower that cannot be wobbled can make you crack any test. Think of your mind as a fertile garden. Fill your mind with positive, uplifting and motivating thoughts and you will have an abundant crop of success.
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