All India Bar Examination,AIBE conducted by Bar Council of India (BCI) will open AIBE XIV (14) Application Form in September 2019. Check AIBE XIV Eligibility Criteria, Important Dates, Schedule, Exam Pattern, Syllabus Among Other Information
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AIBE – All India Bar Examination Schedule, Eligibility, Exam Pattern and Other Details

AIBE referred as All India Bar Examination is a national level entrance exam conducted by the Bar Council of India (BCI) to assess the capability of advocates who want to practice the legal profession in India. Bar Council of India is situated in New Delhi. After qualifying this entrance exam, candidates will be awarded “Certificate of Practice” by the BCI. The AIBE is intended to set a minimum benchmark for admission to the practice of law.

AIBE is a standard test for assessing candidates’ analytical skills and understanding basic knowledge of the law. This entrance exam will be organized in 40 cities all across India with 11 languages. Candidates can check here all about AIBE (XI) including eligibility criteria, important dates, application process, exam pattern as well as how to fill online application as mentioned below in this AfterGraduation page.

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AIBE Xl Important Dates

Events of AIBE Xl Important Dates
Online and Offline Registration Begins From September 1, 2017
Bank Payments through challan starts from September 2, 2017
Last date to Online Registration and Offline Form Sale October 31, 2017
Last Date for Payment of challan for Online and Offline Application November 4, 2017
Last date for completion of online form November 8, 2017
Last date for receiving Offline Application forms at BCI-Delhi November 8, 2017 (5 pm)
Online release of Admit Cards for Online and Offline Application November 18, 2017
Date of AIBE-Xl Examination December 3, 2017*

*Council reserves the right to extend the said examination date in case of unavoidable circumstances. In that case, any request for refund/adjustment of the fee shall not be entertained.

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AIBE Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must fulfill the eligibility criteria as required for appearing in AIBE (XI)

  • Applicant to be a citizen of India. There is no prescribed age limit for writing AIBE.
  • Applicants should hold an LLB degree (either 3 years or 5 years)
  • No minimum percentage is required in the qualifying examination in order to apply for AIBE.
  • Aspirants should hold registration as an advocate professional from any registered state bar council.
  • They should hold their valid Advocate ID issued by state bar council.
  • Candidates, who are qualifying the LLB degree in the current session, cannot apply for AIBE(XI).

AIBE-XI Application Form

BCI has announced to fill the application form of AIBE (XI) from September 01, 2017. The All India Bar Examination (AIBE-XI) is going to be held on 03rd December 2017. Candidates can apply All India Bar Examination 2018 by online as well as offline mode. Aspirants can apply before the last date of application.

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The Registration Process for AIBE X is open. Candidates who wish to apply for AIBE (XI) need to registrar themselves before applying online. Applicants also need to remit an application fee for successful submission of AIBE (XI) application. After successful AIBE Registration, you can login to your account

Instructions for AIBE (XI) Online Application Form

  • Aspirants who want to appear in the examination need to register for AIBE (XI) before filling in the application form.
  • Aspirants are advised to check the eligibility criteria of AIBE (XI) before filling in the application form.
  • Need to remit an application fee. Application form without the application fee will not be accepted.
  • Keep all the required documents ready while filling up the application form.

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AIBE-XI Application Fees

  • The candidates have to pay INR 2500/- + INR 60/– as bank transaction charges
  • Payment of the application need to pay through challan in any SBI Bank

How to Apply for AIBE (XI)

Candidates can check how to apply for AIBE (XI) as mentioned here –

  1. Click on the official link of AIBE (XI) application provided on the official website.
  2. Aspirants first need to register by providing their basic details including name, phone number, e-mail id as required.
  3. Once registered, candidates will receive a confirmation email for registration of AIBE (XI) on their registered e-mail address.
  4. Candidates need to login with their registered email id and password to fill up the application form of AIBE (XI).
  5. Before proceeding to fill in the application form, candidates need to generate e-challan with their registration number, name and mobile number.
  6. After remitting the application fee, candidates need to update the challan details by their login details.
  7. Candidates can now proceed to fill up the application form.
  8. After filling up the application form of AIBE (XI), Candidates must get it printed out for future references.
  9. Complete the application form and send it to “All India Bar Examination” Bar Council of India, 21 Rouse Avenue Institutional Area, ITO, Near Bal Bhawan New Delhi-110002.

AIBE Exam Pattern

Bar Council of India will be conducting AIBE (XI) on December 03, 2017 in pen-paper mode only. The examination duration will be of 3 hours 30 minutes. Candidates with 80% or more disability will be provided an extra time of 20 minutes per hour. There will be 100 objective type questions and for each correct response, one mark will be awarded. However, there is no negative marking for any wrong answers.

Candidates have a choice of 11 languages to attempt the examination in their preferred language. The exam will be an open book exam. It means that candidates can bring any study aid or reading material like as textbooks and treatises, Preparatory Materials, and even handwritten notes. The question paper will be composed of 100 multiple choice questions spread across various subjects. The questions asked in the examination will be divided into ‘knowledge-based’ and ‘reasoning based’.

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The examination will be divided into two categories (I and II). The Examination paper will comprise at least seven (7) questions from each ‘Category I’ subject. The paper will also have twenty-three (23) questions from the ‘Category II’ subjects as a whole, and these twenty-three questions will include questions from at least five (5) Category II subjects. Category I subjects will be tested in Part I of the question paper, and Category II subjects will be tested in Part II of the question paper. The Category I and Category II subjects are set out below:

Category I Category II
Subjects Q. Subjects No. of Q.
Alternative Dispute Resolution  7 Administrative Law 23 questions in all, and these questions will include questions from at least 5 subjects in Category II
Civil Procedure Code and Limitation Act 7 Company Law
Constitutional Law 7 Environmental Law
Contract Law, including Specific Relief, Special Contracts, and Negotiable Instruments 7 Family Law
Criminal Law I: The Indian Penal Code 7 Human Rights Law
Criminal Procedure 7 Labour and Industrial Law
Drafting, Pleading, and Conveyancing 7 Law of Tort, including Motor Vehicle Accidents, and Consumer Protection Law
Evidence 7 Principles of Taxation Law
Jurisprudence 7 Public International Law
Professional Ethics and the Professional Code of Conduct for Advocates 7 Total Marks = 100

Total Questions = 100

Property Law 7

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AIBE-XI Syllabus

AIBE (XI) syllabus 2018 will consist of the subjects of three-year and five-year LL.B. programmes as prescribed by the Bar Council of India (BCI). The subjects are given below:

Subject/Topic Number of Questions
Constitutional Law 10
I.P.C (Indian Penal Code) 8
Cr. P.C (Criminal Procedure Code) 10
C.P.C (Code of Civil procedure) 10
Evidence Act 8
Alternative Dispute Redressal including Arbitration Act 4
Family Law 8
Public Interest Litigation 4
Administrative Law 3
Professional Ethics & Cases of Professional Misconduct under BCI rules 4
Company Law 2
Environmental Law 2
Cyber law 2
Labour and Industrial Law 4
Law of Tort, including Motor Vehicle Accidents and Consumer Protection Law 5
Law Related to Taxation 4
Law of Contract, Specific Relief, Property Laws, Negotiable Instrument Act 8
Land Acquisition Act 2
Intellectual Property Laws 2
Total 100

Here you got the details about “All India Bar Examination” details. Have any doubts or queries regarding “AIBE – All India Bar Examination Schedule, Eligibility, Exam Pattern and Other Details”, you can discuss with us via the AfterGraduation Forum. Connect with us for more updates on AfterGraduation  Facebook and  Twitter account also.

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