BITS-Pilani Organizing An International Conference on Nano and Functional Materials (NFM-2017)
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BITS-Pilani Organizing An International Conference on Nano and Functional Materials (NFM-2017)

BITS-Pilani, Pilani Campus invited researchers and students to present their research findings in an International Conference on Nano and Functional Materials (NFM-2017) organizing by Department of Chemistry on 16–18 November 2017. The Objective of the conference is to expose the students & researchers with the recent advances in the fields of nano-materials and functional materials in our country and across the globe.

The aim is to elucidate the seamless mixing of science and engineering aspects in development of the very important interdisciplinary domain of material science. This will stage a panel of eminent researchers/ professors to seed ideas/ concepts for trans-disciplined collaborations, towards growing national and global technology demands in materials science and engineering.

NFM-2017 Conference will be mostly centered on,

  • Materials for Nanoscience
  • Materials for Opto-electronics and Biosensors
  • Computational Aspects in Material Science
  • Materials for Renewable Resource Applications
  • Materials for Green Chemistry & Catalysis
  • Materials for Pharmaceuticals and Drug Delivery
  • Materials for Device Applications
  • Materials for Biomedical and Agricultural Sciences

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Call for Abstract

Organizers invited participants to submit the abstracts (one page) on their recent original work for Poster/Oral Presentations. Format can be downloaded from here.

Filled in format should be turned in on or before the deadline mentioned, via email. Decision will be informed by return email by the specified date.

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Participants can check the Model Abstract from here.

Registration for NFM-2017

Participants are requested to register by sending duly filled registration form along with prescribed fees as Demand Draft (DD) from any Nationalized bank, in favor of the Convener, NFM-2017, Payable at Pilani. For online registration, complete format and send print out of the final form along with the DD of prescribed fees. Prior registration is preferred over On-site Registration.

Important Dates for NFM-2017

Last Dates For Early-bird Registration: 15 Sep 2017

Abstract Submission: 15 Aug 2017

Decision of Acceptance: 30 Aug 2017


Early-bird Registration (without accommodation)

Students: Rs. 1200

Faculty/ Scientist: Rs. 3000

Industry Rs. 5000

On-site Registration (without accommodation)

Students: Rs. 1500

Faculty/ Scientist: Rs. 4000

Industry: Rs. 7000

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Materials Research @ BITS-Pilani

Different departments of Pilani campus are actively doing research in the highly evolving area of materials and their applications. The team includes Prof. J. Panwar (Biosciences), Prof. I. R. Laskar, Dr. S. Pande, Dr. R. Sakhuja, Dr. B. R. Sarkar, Dr. M. Basu (All in Chemistry), Dr. R. K. Gupta, Dr. S. Gangopadhyay (both in Physics), Dr. D. Chitkara, Dr. A. Mittal (both in Pharmacy), Dr. S. Belgamwar (Mechanical Engg.), Dr. B. Roy, Dr. S. Appari (Chemical Engg.), Prof. N. Gupta, Dr. A. Hazra (both in Electrical Engg.), Dr. A. Bahruddin (Civil Engg.).

The group had organized a national conference as NFM-2014 in November 2014 to initiate communication and cross-disciplinary interactions which had considerably contributed to its growth and visibility of the University among the research peer-group. The members have recently been awarded several research projects in respective areas from various national funding agencies.

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