CAT 2019 Notification Released: Indian Institutes of Management has released the notification for the Common Admission Test (CAT) 2019 on Sunday, July 28. The computer-based examination will be conducted on November 24 in two sessions across 156 test cities in the country. The online application process for CAT 2019 will start from August 7.
Professor Shubhasis Dey of IIM Kozhikode is the Convener of CAT 2019. The online registration process for CAT exam will begin from August 7 and will be continued till September 18, 2019. The candidates can apply through the official website- The CAT 2019 website, containing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and other details about the examination, is also gone live on Sunday.
Applicants will be able to download the admit card for the exam from October 23 onwards, till the date of the test. Tutorials and Mock tests to understand the format CAT 2019 will be released on the CAT website from October 16.
Those who clear this MBA Entrance exam will be eligible for admission to post-graduate management courses, including PGP, PGDM, PGPEM, EPGP, PGPBM, PGPEX, at 20 IIMs across the country. The entrance exam’s scores are also accepted by many top rated B-schools.
Read Too: How To Prepare CAT 2019 Without Coaching?
IIM CAT 2019 Important Dates
Commencement of online application: August 7, 2019 (10:00 am)
Last day to apply online: September 18, 2019 (05:00 pm)
Download of admit card: October 23 to November 24, 2019
CAT 2019 Exam Date: November 24, 2019
Result declaration: Second week of January 2020 (Tentative)
CAT 2019 Paper Pattern
The duration of the CAT examination is of three hours (180 minutes).
There will be three sections:
Section I: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension
Section II: Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning
Section III: Quantitative Ability
Sixty minutes will be allotted to the candidates for answering questions in each section and they will be restricted to switch from one section to another while answering questions in a section. The questions will be in three different sections, A. Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, B. Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning, C. Quantitative Ability.
Questions in each section will be of Multiple Choice and direct answer type (without any options). For direct questions, answers will have to be typed on the screen. During the exam, candidates will be allowed the use the basic on-screen calculator for computation.
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CAT 2019 Syllabus
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)
Grammar, Verbal Reasoning, Syllogisms, Sentence completion, Fill in the blanks, Jumbled paragraphs, Para Completion and inference, Foreign language words used in English, Contextual Usage, Reading Comprehension, Sentence correction, Analogies, Different usage of the same word, Idioms, Verbal Logic, Antonyms, One-word substitution, Para jumbles
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR)
Tables, Casslets, Data Sufficiency, Line Graphs, Pie Charts, Bars
Quantitative Aptitude (QA)
Geometry, HCF and LCM, Trigonometry, Algebra, Averages, Partnership (Accounts), Profit & Loss, Time Speed and Distance, Mensuration, Surds and Indices, Quadratic and linear equations, Ratios and Proportion, Percentages, Surds and Indices, Geometric Progression, Inequalities, Number system, Work and time, Logarithms.
CAT 2019 Eligibility Criteria
- The candidates must possess Bachelor’s degree from a recognized institute or university with at least 50 per cent marks or equivalent.
- The reserve category candidates- Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Persons with Disability (PwD), need to hold a minimum 45 per cent marks from the recognised university.
- Candidates appearing for the final year of the Bachelor’s degree are also eligible to apply.
- Around 15 per cent seats are reserved for Scheduled Caste (SC), 7.5 per cent for the Scheduled Tribe (ST) candidates.
- 27 per cent of the seats is reserved for other backward class (OBC) candidates and 10 per cent seats for the Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) candidates.
CAT 2019 Application Fees
The CAT 2019 application fee can be paid through online payment modes only, which will include credit cards, debit cards and net banking. The application fees for the candidates belong to the general category is Rs 1900, while for the reserved category (SC, ST and PwD) is Rs 950.
IIM Selection Process
The selection process conducted by IIMs involve a Written Ability Test (WAT), and a Personal Interview (PI). IIMs are free to change or add another selection round as per their own discretion. A good score in CAT exam alone is not enough to procure admission in one of the IIMs. In fact, CAT exam Score serves only as one of the shortlisting criteria for the subsequent selection processes which are conducted by each IIM separately.
ALSO READ: Best Books For CAT 2019 Section Wise Preparation
All the Best CAT 2019 Aspirants..!!
Here you got the details on CAT 2019 Notification, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Registration Process and Other Details. Please post your Feedback or Comments regarding this article, on our AfterGraduation Forum or in below comment box.
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