ICSI Released CS June 2018 Exams Admit Card - Foundation, Executive and Professional Programme
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CS June 2018 Exams Admit Card – Foundation, Executive and Professional Progms

The Institute of Company Secretaries of IndiaICSI has released the Company Secretary, CS June 2018 Exams Admit Card on its official website for Foundation, Executive and Professional program. Students who have applied for CS June 2018 Exams conducted by CS Institute can download their E-Admit Card or hall ticket from the official website by using their 17 digit registration number.

The ICSI conducts CS Foundation, CS Executive, and CS Professional exams twice in a year in the months of June and December. This year, ICSI is scheduled to conduct the Company Secretary Foundation exam at 121 centres across India and Dubai on 09th and 10th June 2018. CS Executive and CS Professional programme examination will start from 01 June 2018.

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The dispatch of admit card in physical form is by post or another medium has been discontinued, so candidate need to download the admit card online from Institute website which would be valid hall ticket to appear in the examination centre. Candidates who had enrolled themselves for the CS Foundation Program, Executive and Professional Program can follow the instructions given below and download their Admit Card at the earliest.

READ ALSO: Student Instructions For CS Foundation Programme June 2018 Examination

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How to Download ICSI CS June 2018 Exams Admit Card?

Step 1 – Visit the official website – icsi.edu

Step 2 – Under ‘Students’ section drop down on the top navigation bar, click on ‘Students Announcements’

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Step 3- For CS Foundation Program, click on:
Download e-Admit Card Foundation Program (CBE) – December 2017 exam

For Executive and Professional Program, click on:

Download e-Admit Card Executive and Professional Program – June 2018 exam

Step 4 – Enter your Registration Number and Security text, and submit

Step 5 – Preview and download your Admit Card

Step 6 – Take a print out for further reference

The admit cards will bear important information like the Exam date, time, venue along with important instructions for the exam. Candidates must check their details and report to ICSI helpdesk if there’s any discrepancy. If a candidate’s photograph is missing from the admit card then he must affix the same on the admit card and get it attested by a Gazetted officer or any member of ICSI.

READ Too: Overview Of CS Course – Foundation, Executive And Professional Subjects, Fees And Other Details

CS June 2018 Exams Dates

Events Dates
Dates of Examination of CS Foundation Programme Paper 1 & 2 –  June 09, 2018
Paper 3 & 4 –  June 10, 2018
Dates of Executive Programme Examination 01, 02, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08 June 2018
Dates of Professional Programme Examination 01, 02, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 June 2018

ICSI CS Foundation Exam Pattern

The Computer Based Examination (CBE) will comprise of 50 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) carrying 2 marks each for each paper. Candidates will be given 90 minutes to attempt each paper. As per the official website, the questions will be displayed in English and Hindi languages however for papers like Business Management, Ethics and Communication, the questions will be displayed in English language only. In case of any doubt or discrepancy in Hindi language, the English version of the questions shall prevail.

Candidates are required to secure a minimum of 40% marks in each paper, i.e. Paper- 1, Paper-2, Paper-3 and Paper-4 separately as the case may be, and 50% marks in aggregate of all papers put together for passing the Foundation Programme Examination. There will be no negative marking for wrong answers.

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ICSI Important Instruction to CS Examinees

  1. After taking the print-out of the CS Admit Card from the ICSI website, Candidate are advised to verify all the details mentioned on their Admit Card, i.e., his/her Name, Photograph, Signature, Registration Number, Examination Centre (Name, Address, Code, etc.), Date and Timings of Examination etc. In case of any discrepancy, the same may please be brought to the notice of the Institute immediately at Tel.No.- (0120) 3314111, 6204999.
  2. Candidates should carry with them (i) CS Admit Card; and (ii) Student photo Identity Card to the Examination Centre every day, failing which they will not be allowed to enter the Examination Hall.
  3. Candidates must take care of timings. No candidate shall be allowed to enter the Examination Hall after the completion of 15 minutes of the commencement of examination and no candidate shall be permitted to leave the Examination Hall until the expiry of 45 minutes of the commencement of the examination.
  4. Only own battery operated, noiseless and cordless ordinary calculator with not more than 6 functions, 12 digits and 2 memories are allowed to be used by Candidates.
  5. Every candidate is compulsorily required to appear in all the subjects /Paper(s) for which they had enrolled. In case any candidate remains absent in any subject(s)/Paper(s) due to any reason, whatsoever, they shall be summarily declared fail. However, in case a candidate who has been granted exemption in any one subject or paper i.e., as the case may be, he/she is required to answer only those questions in the relevant subject or paper  in which he/she is enrolled and leave the examination hall on the expiry of 45 minutes of the commencement of the examination, after submitting the Exam.
  6. Candidates should strictly follow the various written/ verbal instructions and maintain discipline in the Examination Hall/ Room/ Lab.

Wishing all the aspirants of the Company Secretary Programs to burn their midnight oils to crack the CS Examinations June 2018. Please post your Queries or Comments regarding “CS June 2018 Exams Admit Card – Foundation, Executive and Professional Programs” on our Aftergraduation Forum or in the below comment box. Connect with us for all latest updates on social media Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter accounts.

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