Do’s And Don’ts For CA Examination May 2018, Instructions From ICAI
Chartered Accountant Commerce Preparation & Admission

Do’s and Don’ts for CA Examination November 2017, Instructions From ICAI

The Schedule for CA Final November 2017 Exams will begin on Wednesday, November 01, 2017 and IPC will start from November 02, 2017. This post contains the complete details of Do’s and Don’ts for CA IPC and Final candidates and how to save the time and chaos by following instructions framed for CA Examination candidates by ICAI.

Timings of CA IPC and Final Examinations are from 02:00 PM TO 05:00 PM (IST) on all days as per exam schedule, Reading time (for question paper) starts at 1:45 PM (IST).

If you are new to exam venue, then better have a visit earlier to save the time and avoid chaos at the time of examination. In order to avoid unwanted disturbance at the exam time, you must first carefully read all the details mentioned on your admit Card provided by the examination authorities. To avoid last-minute hustle,  AfterGraduation will support CA IPC and Final exam aspirants to know all about the instructions, the Do And Don’t to be followed, and what to be done before and after the exam.

Do Remember for CA Examination

  • Check your test room as per your roll no. arrangement. Occupy the seat earmarked against the Roll Number.
  • Carry the necessary item required during the exam – your own pen, stapler, ink, blotting paper, scale, and battery operated noiseless/cordless portable calculator with up to 6 functions, 12 digits and up to two memories.
  • This time, this is mandatory to use black ink ballpoint pen only while writing the answers.
  • Write Roll Number at the specified place on the question paper and answer sheet only, else it would be against the code of conduct of ICAI.
  • Check that the question paper bears the Code as displayed on the notice/blackboard / announced in the examination room/hall.
  • Write answers in the medium (English/Hindi) opted while filling the registration form and mentioned on your Admit Card.
  • Check that the question paper is complete with reference to the number of pages mentioned thereon.
  • Mark √ tick against the question numbers attempted in the cages provided on the front/cover page of the answer book.
  • Surrender answer book immediately upon completion of examination time and obtain a receipt (in the Acknowledge/Record on the reverse of the Admit Card).
  • Fasten all answer books including additional answer books used with a tag and also staple them for better attachment.

READ Too: ICAI Desires Post Graduation Status For CA Qualification

Remember Don’ts for CA Examination

  • Use ink, other than black sketch pen, highlighter for underlining or highlighting.
  • Make/Write any notings/rough work on the question paper. Except roll number nothing to be mentioned on the question paper.
  • Carry any paper, book, notes or any other written material in the examination room/hall. So check your pocket, box etc before entering the examination hall.
  • Write Roll Number or Registration Number or name anywhere (except on the front page of the answer book) in the answer book, including additional answer book(s), graph/blotting paper.
  • Make/write religious symbols/prayers like God’s name, Guru’s Name, OM, Swastika, 786 and the like anywhere in the answer book, including additional answer book(s), graph/blotting paper. Follow your spirituality in your heart, not on paper and answer sheets.
  • Write / make extraneous (irrelevant/ unrelated) notes/remarks. Write/make appeal for marks etc.
  • Carry printing models or scientific calculator.
  • Exchange pen, scale, calculator etc during the exam.
  •  Talk/communicate with any other examinees during the examination.
  • Tear and carry any page/leave from the answer book, including additional answer book.
  • Leave seat without permission.
  • Carry mobile phones or any other electronic gadget/device in any form [except simple and specified calculator].
  • Smoke, chew tobacco/betel nut, gum etc.

ALSO READ: CA Intermediate (IPC) And Final November 2017 Examination Admit Cards Released

Expected Just Before the CA Examination

  1. Immediately on receipt of the Admit Card, every candidate is expected to verify all the facts, i.e. Roll No., Registration Number, Name, Group or Groups or Unit, Examination Timing/Session, Dates of examination, Sequence of Papers, Examination Centre etc. In case of doubt, he/she is expected to approach the Joint Secretary (Exams.), sufficiently in advance.
  2. Each candidate is advised to familiarise himself/herself with the location of the examination center by visiting the center a day prior to the commencement of the examinations and to also satisfy that he/she has visited/seen the allotted center.
  3. The doors of the examination halls will be opened half an hour before the time specified for the commencement of the examination in each session. All candidates should be inside the examination hall before the scheduled time of the commencement of reading time / the examination. It may be noted that the Superintendents have been advised to verify the identity of each candidate at the time of his/her entry into the examination hall. Candidates are, however, advised, in their own interest, to carry with them (along with the admit card downloaded from website) the photo identity cards issued by the government or at the time of registration for articles (erstwhile Intermediate)/Professional Education Course/ Professional Competence Course or Intermediate (Integrated Professional Competence) Course by the Board of Studies section of the Decentralized Office of ICAI or the identity card issued to them by the Decentralized Office at the time of their registration as articled assistants.

READ ALSO: CA Students To Commence Articleship After Clearing Either Group Of IPCC

Rules relating to Entry & Exit from CA Examination Hall

No candidate shall be permitted to enter the hall after the expiry of 45 minutes after the distribution of the question paper. No candidate shall be permitted to leave the hall until the expiry of 75 minutes after the distribution of the question paper. However, if a candidate chooses to leave the examination hall 75 minutes after distribution of question paper, he will be required to surrender the question paper along with answer book to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall. In case he chooses to leave the examination hall 2 hours & 45 minutes after the distribution of question paper, he will be allowed to take the question paper with him.

 You have prepared hard and hard work always pays. Stay strong and determined about your Preparation Strategy. If you lose confidence and focus, your productivity gets affected. Be confident, let your mind relax and focus on the test. Please post your comments or queries regarding CA Examination preparation, on our Aftergraduation Forum. Connect with us for all latest updates through Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter also.

!! AfterGraduation wishes CA Aspirants a very Best Luck !!

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