DU LLB 2019 Entrance Exam - Imp Dates, Syllabus, preparation tips for Delhi University LLB Entrance Exam for 3-Year law programme admission.
DU LLB Law Law Entrance Exams Others Preparation & Admission

DU LLB 2019 For 3-Year Law Programme Admission

DU LLB 2019 Entrance Examination (Delhi University Law entrance exam 2019) is a national level admission test conducted by Faculty of LawDelhi University for admissions in three-year law programmes offered at three law centres of the University – Campus Law CentreLaw Centre I and Law Centre II. There are around 2600 seats in three-year law programmes offered by these three law centres of the University through DU LLB entrance exam.

Candidates who wish to pursue a three-year law programme from Delhi University will need to fill, this law entrance exam DU LLB 2019 application form and register online for the same. The tentative important dates of DU LLB 2019 as mentioned in below article will not only keep the aspirants updated for the exam but also help them in their preparation strategies.

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The application form for Delhi University LLB Entrance Examination will be released via online mode only and is available until June 2019. For the detailed information on DU LLB 2019 including important dates, application form, eligibility criteria, exam pattern, syllabus and other details, read the complete article.

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Important Dates of DU LLB 2019

Candidates can fill online application form of DU LLB 2019 till June 2019 as the online registration for DU LLB entrance examination begins in May 2019. The DU LLB 2019 actual dates will be announced by University of Delhi in the month of April 2019.

Events Dates 2019
Opening of Application Form 2nd week of May
Last date to fill the online application form 1st week of June
Release of admit card 2nd week of June
DU LLB 2019 Exam date 3rd week of June
Releasing of answer key 1st week of July
Announcement of DU LLB 2019 Entrance Exam Result 2nd week of July
Start of counselling Last week of July

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DU LLB 2019 Eligibility Criteria

The Eligibility Criteria of DU LLB 2019 will be announced by University of Delhi along with the exam notification. The basic eligibility criteria for DU LLB Entrance exam are-

1. Candidates have completed Graduation/Post Graduation Degree from the University of Delhi or any other Indian or Foreign University recognized as equivalent by the University of Delhi.

2. Candidates have to secure above the cutoff marks in their graduation.

  •  For General Candidates – minimum 50% marks (aggregate) or an equivalent grade point
  • For OBC Students – minimum 45 % marks (aggregate) or an equivalent grade point
  • For SC/ST students- minimum 40% marks (aggregate) or an equivalent grade point

3. There is 5% relaxation in the qualifying marks for widows/wards of ex-servicemen/serving personnel (CW) & Physically Handicapped (PH).

4. Students appearing for the final year can also apply for DU 3-Year LLB Entrance Exam.

5, There is no upper age limit to apply for this entrance exam.

DU LLB 2019 Application Fee

The Candidates belongs to Unreserved and OBC category have to pay Rs. 500 & For SC/ST/PwD category candidates the DU LLB 2019 Application Fee is of Rs. 250. The application fee has to be paid through online mode.

DU LLB 2019 Entrance Exam Pattern

The Exam pattern is mentioned below:

  • Mode of Exam: The exam will be conducted through online (computer) mode.
  • Exam Duration: The duration of DU LLB entrance test will be of two hours.
  • Type of Questions: The question will be of MCQ type objective type. Total 175 questions will be asked in the examination.
  • Language of Exam paper: The question paper will come in the English language.
  • Marking Scheme: For a correct answer of any question, 4 marks will be given to the candidates.
  • Negative Marks: For a wrong answer, 1 mark will be deducted as negative marking.

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DU LLB Entrance Exam Syllabus

The DU LLB Entrance Exam syllabus consists of the following topics: General Knowledge & Current Affairs, Reasoning & Analytical Abilities, English Language Comprehension and Legal Awareness and Aptitude.

How to fill DU LLB Application Form 2019?

DU LLB 2019 application form filling is a four-step process which begins with online registration for the Delhi University LLB entrance examination and ends with the submission of filled-in application form of DU LLB 2019.

To register for DU LLB 2019 Application Form – Click here (Links will be Active in May 2019)

After successful submission of the Registration form, a confirmation email with a verification link will be sent to the applicant’s registered email id. Please check your mailbox (including SPAM/BULK/TRASH folder) and click on the link to confirm the registration. After successful verification, you can fill the application form as requisite.

DU LLB Preparation Tips

  • Candidate should go through the complete and proper syllabus as prescribed by the examination authority.
  • Plan the proper schedule and strategy for preparation and follow it on a regular basis in a strict manner.
  • Go through the examination pattern and the marking scheme and prepare according.
  • While preparation, make a short note of important topics that will be helpful in revision at a later stage.
  • Keep your health good and passion high for the exam.
  • Relax your mind after you feel exhaustive study.
  • To score better, regular revision of the topics is a must.

ALSO READ: SLAT 2019, Entrance Exam For Symbiosis Law School Admission

Here you got the details about DU LLB 2019 entrance examination for 3- year LLB course. Law aspirants can post any doubts regarding application form or any other query through AfterGraduation Forum or in below comment box.

Stay in touch with us for more information regarding Law entrance exam as well as to get more details and updates on other institutional examinations through Linkedin, Facebook, and  Twitter.

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