GATE 2019 Chemistry Exam Pattern, Important Topics, Reference Books and Preparation Tips and strategy for GATE 2019 Chemistry
GATE Preparation & Admission Science and Technology

GATE 2019 Chemistry Exam Pattern, Important Topics, Reference Books and Preparation Tips

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering, GATE is a gateway for engineering and science students seeking admissions into the premier engineering institutions such as IITs, NITs and several other prestigious institutions for postgraduate studies in engineering. Candidates appearing for GATE 2019 Chemistry must know exam pattern, syllabus, Important topics, books for GATE Chemistry exam to crack the exam with a better GATE score.

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Complete details regarding GATE 2019 Chemistry is given here so that you can have all the required information at one place and you can focus on preparation and strategy to score better GATE 2019 Score.

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IIT Madras is organising GATE 2019 exams in February 2019 and the dates are 2, 3, 10 and 11. Chemistry finds global application in everyday life, one can do an M.Tech in Chemistry subject after BE/B.Tech. The exam code for GATE 2019 Chemistry examination is CY.

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This article will provide you a brief description of GATE 2019 Chemistry examination syllabus, exam pattern, reference books and some important preparation tips.

Important Topics for GATE 2019 Chemistry (CY)

Important Topics section wise-

1. Physical Chemistry – Structure- time dependent and time independent schrodinger equations, particle in a box, Einstein’s coefficients, nuclear coupling; equilibrium- laws of thermodynamics, liquid-liquid and solid liquid system, boltzmann distribution, thermodynamics properties; kinetics- mechanism of complex reaction, kinetics of photochemical and photophysical processes; surfaces and interference- surface tension, viscosity and macromolecules.

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2. Inorganic Chemistry – Main Group Elements, Transition Elements, Lanthanides and Actinides, Organometallics, Radioactivity, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Solids, Instrumental Methods of Analysis.

3. Organic Chemistry – Stereochemistry, reaction mechanism, organic synthesis, pericyclic reaction and photochemistry, heterocyclic compounds, spectroscopy.

Note- For the full syllabus of GATE 2019 Chemistry examination please visit the official website of GATE 2019.

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GATE Exam Pattern & Marks Weightage for Chemistry (CY)

The question is divided into two separate sections, below given is the table which will let you know the GATE 2019 exam pattern of Chemistry and marking system in the description.

GATE 2019 Paper Sections GATE Marks Distribution
Subject Questions (Core Subject) CY 85% of the total marks.
General Aptitude (GA) 15% of the total marks.

General Aptitude Questions:
GATE 2019 Chemistry question paper contains 10 questions of general aptitude out of total 65 question and these questions carry 15 marks out of total marks 100.

Distribution of Marks:
The multiple choice question carrying 1 or 2 marks question. Negative marking is also there so the questions that are of 1 mark and the answer is wrong then ⅓ marks will be deducted, and the questions that carry 2 marks and the answer is wrong then ⅔ marks will be deducted for that questions. There is no negative marking for NAT questions.

Reference Books for GATE 2019 Chemistry (CY)

  • Chemistry Sciences CSIR- NET & GATE Topicwise Complete Solution by Kirtikumar C. Badgujar, Harshal B. Saraf & Harshal C. Badguja Vivek C. Badgujar
  • GATE Chemistry (Compulsory Paper) by Upkar Publications
  • General Aptitude: Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning – G.K Publications.
  • Gate Paper Chemistry 2019 (Previous Papers 2000-2018) by GK Publications
  • Chapterwise Solved Papers Chemistry GATE 2000-2017 by Sanjay Saxena
  • Organic Chemistry: Second Edition by Jonathan Clayden
  • Chapterwise GATE Chemistry Solved Papers (2014-2000) by Arihant Publications

Preparation Strategy for GATE 2019 Chemistry

The most important thing for every examination is to prepare a study plan. Preparing for a study plan will result in getting a good score in GATE 2019 exam. Although Chemistry is a little tougher than other engineering streams, so you have to make a monthly plan, weekly plan, daily plan for study. Make a plan, go get yourself busy in studying but that not means that you stop playing, eating or watching TV set a time for all these activities to refresh yourself while studying hard. Study for at least 6-8 hours daily if you are preparing for the GATE exam.

Exam Preparation Tips for GATE 2019 Chemistry Students:

  • Go through the previous years question papers and practice those papers.
  • Study with the best reference books that have all the basic topics.
  • First study those topics which are important.
  • Good coaching classes or a good teacher can also help you in this.
  • Study with the concentration and study daily as mentioned above.
  • Revision is the most important thing after studying your subjects.
  • Regular Mock Test and solve previous year exam paper and other sample papers.
  • If you are well versed with the theory and have practice of MCQs, then you are ready to face any postgraduate engineering entrance exam.
  • Have to improve faith in yourself.

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