GATE 2019 Metallurgical Engineering Syllabus And MT Exam Pattern
GATE Preparation & Admission Science and Technology

GATE 2019 Metallurgical Engineering Syllabus And MT Exam Pattern

Candidates appearing in GATE 2019 Metallurgical Engineering (MT) must know proper syllabus and preparation tips of the subject for better GATE Score. Details regarding which topics have to be studied for the examination will be available in the GATE 2019 Metallurgical Engineering syllabus.

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is jointly conducted by The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs at Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee), is an all-India examination that primarily tests the comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate subjects in engineering and science.

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A student seeking admissions to Postgraduate Programmes (ME, M.Tech, MS, Direct PhD) in IISc/IITs/NITs and other Universities are advised to appear for GATE exam as these institutes demand a good GATE score. A good GATE 2019 METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING score will not only provide you admission in reputed University but can also recruitment in public sector undertakings such as BHEL, Indian Oil Corporation, NTPC, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre etc (there are PSUs totalling 217 in number). PSUs are using the GATE score for selecting candidates for their organisations.

Pursuing GATE 2019 Examination with metallurgical engineering is a good option with lots of career opportunities in India and across the globe. Metallurgical jobs are among the most coveted in India. Metal extractors like Tata Steel, Steel Authority of India (SAIL), Hindustan Copper Limited, Hindalco Industries Limited, and Jindal Steel are the major recruiters of metallurgical consultants. Among the electrical industries, Finolex Cables Limited and Cable Corporation of India are the leading employers of metallurgy scholars.

GATE 2019 is conducted by IIT Madras and the Subject code for GATE Metallurgical Engineering is MT. GATE 2019 examination will be conducted by IIT Madras on 2, 3, 9 & 10 February at different sessions, so, this is the high time for GATE 2019 METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING aspirants to start preparing for the same.

READ Too: GATE 2019 Notification- Exam Schedule, Eligibility, Registration, Preparation Strategy

GATE 2019 Metallurgical Engineering Eligibility:

Qualifying Degree – B.E /B.Tech

Applicant Type– An applicant who had completed B.E or B. Tech in Engineering and those who are in the final year of such programs with no backlog.

Age Limit–  No Age limit.

GATE 2019 Metallurgical Engineering Exam Pattern:

Technical Section 70 marks
General Aptitude 15 marks
Engineering Mathematics 15 marks

There will be 65 questions consisting of 100 marks in total including MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCQ) and NUMERIC TYPE QUESTIONS. Marking Scheme will be as follows

Type of Question Marks Awarded for each Correct Answer Marks Deducted for each incorrect answer Note
MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCQs) 1 mark 0.33 marks · Have 4 choices out of which one is correct
2 marks 0.66 marks
NUMERIC TYPE QUESTION 1 mark No negative marking · No choices

· Answer will be a real number

· To be inserted via virtual keyboard and mouse

2 marks No negative marking

READ ALSO: Multiple Options After GATE Qualification, Focus On Your Goal

GATE 2019 Metallurgical Engineering Syllabus:

Section 1: Engineering Mathematics

Linear Algebra: Matrices and Determinants, Systems of linear equations, Eigen values and Eigen vectors.

Calculus: Limit, continuity and differentiability; Partial derivatives; Maxima and minima; Sequences and series; Test for convergence; Fourier series.Vector Calculus: Gradient; Divergence and Curl; Line, Surface and volume integrals; Stokes, Gauss and Green’s theorems.

Differential Equations: Linear and non-linear first order ODEs; Higher order linear ODEs with constant coefficients; Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations; Laplace transforms; PDEs –Laplace, one dimensional heat and wave equations.

Probability and Statistics: Definitions of probability and sampling theorems, conditional probability, Mean, median, mode and standard deviation; Random variables; Poisson, normal and binomial distributions; Correlation and regression analysis.

Numerical Methods: Solutions of linear and non-linear (Bisection, Secant, Newton-Raphson methods) algebraic equations; integration by trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule; single and multi-step methods for differential equations.

MT Metallurgical Engineering

Section 2: Thermodynamics and Rate Processes

Laws of thermodynamics, activity, equilibrium constant, applications to metallurgical systems, solutions, phase equilibria, Ellingham and phase stability diagrams, thermodynamics of surfaces, interfaces and defects, adsorption and segregation; basic kinetic laws, order of reactions, rate constants and rate-limiting steps; principles of electro chemistry- single electrode potential, electrochemical cells and polarizations, aqueous corrosion and protection of metals, galvanic corrosion, crevice corrosion, pitting corrosion, intergranular corrosion, selective leaching, oxidation and high temperature corrosion – characterization and control; heat transfer – conduction, convection and heat transfer coefficient relations, radiation, mass transfer – diffusion and Fick’s laws, mass transfer coefficients; momentum transfer – concepts of viscosity, shell balances, Bernoulli’s equation, friction factors.

Section 3: Extractive Metallurgy

Minerals of economic importance, comminution techniques, size classification, flotation, gravity and other methods of mineral processing; agglomeration, pyro-, hydro-, and electro-metallurgical processes; material and energy balances; principles and processes for the extraction of non-ferrous metals – aluminium, copper, zinc, lead, magnesium, nickel, titanium and other rare metals; iron and steel making – principles, role structure and properties of slags, metallurgical coke, blast furnace, direct reduction processes, primary and secondary steel making, ladle metallurgy operations including deoxidation, desulphurization, sulphide shape control, inert gas rinsing and vacuum reactors; secondary refining processes including AOD, VAD, VOD, VAR and ESR; ingot and continuous casting; stainless steel making, furnaces and refractories.

Section 4: Physical Metallurgy

Crystal structure and bonding characteristics of metals, alloys, ceramics and polymers, structure of surfaces and interfaces, nano-crystalline and amorphous structures; solid solutions; solidification; phase transformation and binary phase diagrams; principles of heat treatment of steels, cast iron and aluminium alloys; surface treatments; recovery, recrystallization and grain growth; structure and properties of industrially important ferrous and non-ferrous alloys; elements of X-ray and electron diffraction; principles of optical, scanning and transmission electron microscopy; industrial ceramics, polymers and composites; introduction to electronic basis of thermal, optical, electrical and magnetic properties of materials; introduction to electronic and opto-electronic materials.

Section 5: Mechanical Metallurgy

Elasticity, yield criteria and plasticity; defects in crystals; elements of dislocation theory – types of dislocations, slip and twinning, source and multiplication of dislocations, stress fields around dislocations, partial dislocations, dislocation interactions and reactions; strengthening mechanisms; tensile, fatigue and creep behaviour; superplasticity; fracture – Griffith theory, basic concepts of linear elastic and elastoplastic fracture mechanics, ductile to brittle transition, fracture toughness; failure analysis; mechanical testing – tension, compression, torsion, hardness, impact, creep, fatigue, fracture toughness and formability.

Section 6: Manufacturing Processes

Metal casting – patterns and moulds including mould design involving feeding, gating and risering, melting, casting practices in sand casting, permanent mould casting, investment casting and shell moulding, casting defects and repair; Hot, warm and cold working of metals; Metal forming – fundamentals of metal forming processes of rolling, forging, extrusion, wire drawing and sheet metal forming, defects in forming; Metal joining – soldering, brazing and welding, common welding processes of shielded metal arc welding, gas metal arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding and submerged arc welding; Welding metallurgy, problems associated with welding of steels and aluminium alloys, defects in welded joints; Powder metallurgy – production of powders, compaction and sintering; NDT using dye-penetrant, ultrasonic, radiography, eddy current, acoustic emission and magnetic particle methods.

READ MORE: GATE Scores For PSU Recruitment

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