MTech 2019 Admissions: Many Institutes IITs, NITs etc accepts GATE score, while some technical Institutes have self Exams for MTech Admissions
GATE Institutes ME/MTech News Preparation & Admission Science and Technology

GATE CCMT 2018 Schedule Released, Know Seat Allotment Rules & Important Dates

The schedule for Centralized Counseling for Master of Technology i.e CCMT 2018 has been released by the National Institute of Technology (NIT), Delhi, on its official website. It is an online process for admission in postgraduate programmes M.Tech./ M.Arch./ M.Plan. / regional technical institutes which include 30 NIT, 4 IIITs and 10 CFTIs is scheduled to begin on 3rd April 2018.

Through this counseling process, GATE exam qualified students will get admissions in to various Post-Graduate courses offered by the National Institutes of Technologies (NITs) and several other institutes like IIITM Gwalior, PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur, IIITDM Kancheepuram, IIIT Vadodara, IIIT AllahabadSLIET Longowal, NIFFT Ranchi, SPA Vijayawada, PEC Chandigarh, Central University of Rajasthan, University of Hyderabad, Central University of South Bihar Patna, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University Katra and IIEST Shibpur.

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According to the information given on the official website, the online registration and counselling process for centralized admission to postgraduate programmes in all the above-mentioned institutes will be starting from April 3, 2018. The applicants are advised to complete the registration process and pay the application fee on or before May 8, 2018, till 11:59 pm, as it is the last date to do the same.

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CCMT 2018 Counseling will be held through online mode in three rounds. The candidates will be allotted seats on the basis of merit list (based on GATE Score) and availability of seats as per choices filled. The GATE 2018 results were announced on March 16, 2018. The CCMT 2018 counselling process will be completed until July 2018.

GATE 2018 was conducted on February 3, 4, 10 and 11 for all those who wish to join Masters and direct Doctoral programmes in engineering, technology, architecture and also for PSU direct recruitment. The final answer keys were released on March 14 and the scorecards were made available from March 20 onwards at the GOAPS portal. Below are some more details:

GATE CCMT 2018 – Important Dates

  • Online Registration for CCMT 2018 Starts – Tuesday, April 03, 2018
  • Last date of Online Registration and Fee Payment – Tuesday, May 08, 2018 (11:59 PM)
  • Locking of Choices – May 8 to May 14, 2018. (till 11:59 PM)
  • Last date of Online Choice Filling – Monday, May 14, 2018 (till 11:59 PM)

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CCMT 2018 Schedule

The candidates can check the CCMT 2018 schedule as given below to know when the various admission events will commence:

Events Dates
Advertisement March 26, 2018
Availability of CCMT 2018 website March 26, 2018
Start of Online Application April 3, 2018
Last Date for Payment of Application Fee May 8, 2018 (till 11:59 PM)
Last Date for Online Choice Filling May 14, 2018
Locking of the Filled Choices of Course and Institute May 8 to 14, 2018 (at 11:59 PM)
Seat Allotment – Round 1 May 20, 2018
Seat Acceptance fee payment May 21 -24, 2018
Seat Allotment – Round 2 May 28, 2018
Seat Acceptance fee payment May 29 – June 01, 2018
Seat Allotment – Round 3 June 10, 2018
Seat Acceptance fee payment June 11-14, 2018
Payment of Provisional Admission Confirmation Fee June 15 to 22, 2018
Reporting at admitted institute &
deposit institute balance fees
June 25 to 28, 2018
Vacancy declaration for NSR July 03, 2018
Choice Filling for National Spot Round (NSR) July 4 – 20, 2018
National Spot Round Seat Allotment July 22, 2018
Reporting at institutions July 23-27, 2018

CCMT 2018 Admission Process

The admission process will begin with online registration. Candidates will be given choice of filling the seats and later candidate can lock the choices. Online seat allotment will be done afterwards. Once allotment of seats is done, the payment of seat acceptance fee will be processed. After the payment of the fee, the process for the seat confirmation takes place. At last, the candidates will be asked to report the allotted institutes.

The inter-se-merit of candidates with same GATE score will be based on the following criteria:
1) Candidates with GATE 2016 score will be preferred over candidates with GATE 2017/2018 Scores
2) Candidates with GATE 2017 score will be preferred over candidates with GATE 2018 Scores
3) In case of the same year of GATE Score, candidates with higher GATE marks (out of 100) will be preferred.

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Online Registration

Candidates will have to register themselves in the official CCMT website and pay the registration fees. The registration fee of Rs 2200 can be paid online using credit/debit card, net banking or through SBI MOPS. Only after the fee payment, candidates will be able to fill their choices of programmes and can lock their filled choices.

Allotment of the Institute

The seats will be allotted on the basis of merit list and choices filled. After seat allotment, candidates will have to deposit Rs 20,000 against the seat acceptance (confirmation) fees. candidates can download their provisional seat confirmation letter from the official website, after the Payment of Provisional Admission Confirmation Fee of Rs 10,000/- through Net Banking or Debit Card or Credit Card, OR through e-challan at any SBI branch and can report personally as per their respective schedule to the allotted college with required documents for taking the final admission.

Documents Required During Counseling

All the original documents along with three passport size photographs would be required at the time of counselling.

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CCMT 2018 Participating Institutes

S.No. Institute Code and Name Institute Code Seat Intake
1 Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology,  Jalandhar 201 244
2 Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur 202 434
3 Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology  Bhopal 203 522
4 Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology  Allahabad 204 475
5 National Institute of Technology Agartala 205 252
6 National Institute of Technology Calicut 206 443
7 National Institute of Technology Delhi 207 45
8 National Institute of Technology Durgapur 208 324
9 National Institute of Technology Goa 209 54
10 National Institute of Technology Hamirpur 210 270
11 National Institute of Technology Karnataka,  Surathkal 211 554
12 National Institute of Technology Meghalaya 212 75
13 National Institute of Technology Nagaland 213 60
14 National Institute of Technology Patna 214 391
15 National Institute of Technology Puducherry 215 15
16 National Institute of Technology Raipur 216 115
17 National Institute of Technology Sikkim 217 24
18 National Institute of Technology Arunachal Pradesh 218 120
19 National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur 219 256
20 National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra 220 458
21 National Institute of Technology, Manipur 221 75
22 National Institute of Technology, Rourkela 222 586
23 National Institute of Technology, Silchar 223 250
24 National Institute of Technology, Srinagar 224 163
25 National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 225 544
26 National Institute of Technology, Warangal 226 550
27 Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology,  Surat 227 340
28 Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology,  Nagpur 228 394
29 National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand 229 75
30 National Institute of Technology, Mizoram 230 30
31 Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information  Technology & Management Gwalior 301 120
32 Indian Institute of Information Technology,  Allahabad 302 139
33 Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design  & Manufacturing Kancheepuram, Chennai 303 45
34 Pt. Dwarka Prasad Mishra Indian Institute of  Information Technology, Design & Manufacture  Jabalpur 304 112
35 Indian Institute of Information Technology, Vadodara 308
36 National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology,  Hatia, Ranchi 402 112
37 Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and  Technology, Longowal 403 162
38 School of Planning & Architecture, Vijayawada 404 42
39 Indian Institute of Engineering Science and  Technology, Shibpur, District Howrah 405 304
40 Central University of Rajasthan, Kishangarh 406 38
41 Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh 407 226
42 Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University Katra 416
43 University of Hyderabad 421
44 Central University of South Bihar 422

Candidates must keep on checking AfterGraduation for all the latest information about M.Tech/ M.Arch/ M.Plan Admissions 2018 offered in NITs, CFTIs and some IIITs. If you have any queries or comments, you can post either on the AfterGraduation Forum or in the below comment box. Stay in touch with us for updates on higher education, Professional course, Career Enhancement Programmes, Entrance exams update, among education other information through Linkedin, Facebook, and  Twitter.

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