Career GATE ME/MTech Science and Technology

GATE Scores For PSU Recruitment

GATE is held in February in multiple sessions. Aspirants who had applied for GATE might either have applied for pursuing their Higher Degree (Masters in Engineering) or for Recruitment in PSUs that have advertised for graduate engineers on the basis of GATE scores. PSU Recruitment through GATE has been a catching trend with PSUs increasingly turning to GATE scores for their recruitment of graduate engineers in various disciplines.

GATE 2015 saw more than 30 PSUs including big names like ONGC, BPCL, IOCL, HPCL, NTPC, Air India and more recruiting engineers through GATE scores. The number grew to more than 40 in 2016. At present around 50 PSUs are using the GATE score for recruitment. GATE registration number is required for applying to jobs in various PSUs. Even though you may not be interested for post graduate studies (ME/M.Tech) after your BE/B.Tech, you have to apply and appear for GATE exam to get these jobs.!!

This article aims to clear the doubts on the basis of information received from PSUs about PSU Recruitment and GATE scores required for the same. Therefore it becomes essential to analyze the cutoff scores for these PSUs. The GATE PSU Cut Off depend solely on the company policy and various factors. It is to be understood that the GATE cutoff scores will differ from discipline to discipline. Another important point to be noted is that some companies have also used their own normalization formula for inviting GATE applicants for the interviews.

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The cutoff mark changes starting with one position of employment then onto the next. The students who are scoring the cutoff taking into account every position, then they will be dispensed for that position. Students endeavoring GATE 2017 can apply to PSU recruitment process for getting a suitable job in the PSU.

It may, however, be noted that these cutoff scores are indicative. This article is designed to give an idea about the kind of scores required to be called for an interview and more. It is in no way to be construed as the final Cutoffs for any PSU recruitment.

GATE 2016 Scores and Cutoff Marks For PSUs

Candidates can check GATE 2016 scores and cutoff marks for different PSUs below-

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S.No. Discipline Cutoff GATE score for selection to interviews
1. Mechanical Engineering (ME) 784
2. Chemical Engineering (CH) 623
3. Metallurgical Engineering (MT) 606
4. Electrical Engineering (EE) 769
5. Electronics Engineering (EC) 789
6. Computer Science (CS) 745
7. Instrumentation Engineering (IN) 696
8. Civil Engineering (CE) 798
9. Physics (PH) 671
10. Chemistry (CY) 660
11. Bioscience (XL or BT) 685
12. Geology (GG) 593
13. Geophysics (GG) 837


S.No. Discipline UR OBC SC ST
1. Mechanical 79.31 75.18 61.33 53.84
2. Electrical 69.98 66.04 53.99 50.59
3. Electronics 68.68 65.32 56.46 49.13
4. Metallurgy 65 57.67 56.67 48.67


S.No. Discipline GEN OBC SC ST
1. Mechanical 68 65 54 46
2. Chemical 57 55 47 40
3. Instrumentation 60 58 43 33


S.No. Post in Discipline UR OBC-NCL SC ST PwD
1. Executive Trainee in Chemical 68.4 64 60.75 53
2. Executive Trainee in Mechanical 82.58 80.37 73.72 53.41
3. Executive Trainee in Electrical 77.95 74.54 66.24 61.82 43.03
4. Executive Trainee in Instrumentation 75.37 70.50 56.23
5. Executive Trainee in Business Information System 70.41 64.29 61.82
6. Executive Trainee in Telecom/Telemetry 76.22 70.39 66.34 58.73 52.17


S.No. Discipline UR OBC SC ST PwD
1. Mechanical 75.14 70.69 58.34 50.85 38.87
2. Civil 66.97 62.26 54.91 54.26 32.28
3. Electrical 67.35 65.23 53.55 51.61 35.14
4. Instrumentation 61.33 57.33 44.67 35.33 25.67
5. E &TC 63.18 62.88 53.35 47.83 37.51








 For MDL

GATE 2016 Cutoff for Personal Interview
Mechanical GATE Marks


78.9 4 76.3 5 61.6 5 53.10
Electrical 65.0 5 61.1 4 48.2 1 47.52

 For NLC Cutoff for Phase 1

S.No. Discipline UR OBC SC ST
1. Mechanical 78.44 72.52 61.71 55.06
2. Electrical – EEE 71.62 66.25 61.11 52.63
3. Electrical – ECE 68.68 62.93 55.2 NR
4. Civil 71.69 NR 56.53 NR
5. Instrumentation 70.33 65.33 49.67 49.67
6. Mining 49.67 40.33 31 28.67
7. Computer 68.23 63.76 NR NR

 For NLC Cutoff for Phase II

S.No. Discipline UR OBC SC ST
Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min
1. Mechanical 78.29 73.69 72.32 71.82 61.65 54.43 54.97 49.72
2. EEE 71.36 66.25 60.81 51.57
3. ECE 68.38 64.81 62.88 57.07
4. CIVIL 71.46 66.64 55.91 53.16
5. C&I 70 64.33 64 60.67 42.33 31.67
6. Computer 67.9 60.59

 For ONGC*

S.No. Designation UR OBC SC ST PwD Type of Pwd
1. Geologist 512 381 246 209 453 Pwd -HH
2. Geophysicist (Surface) 635 434 234 203
3. Geophysicist (wells) 652 489 372 291
4. AEE Reservoir 716 527 424 479
5. Chemist 723 596 395 331 241 PWD-OH
6. Programming Officer 852 706 No Post No Post 362 PWD-VH
7. AEE Mechanical 859 788 669 608 452 PWD-OH
287 PWD-HH
8. AEE Production-Mechanical 833 720 570 520
9. AEE Production-Chemical 640 479 444 335
10. AEE Production-Petroleum 696 320 156 161
11. AEE Drilling-Mechanical 822 755 620 558
12. AEE Drilling-Petroleum 562 325 265 No Post
13. AEE Cementing-Mechanical 808 742 615 509
14. AEE Cementing-Petroleum 642 533 No Post 196
15. Transport Officer 799 745 571 No Post 443 PWD-HH
16. MM Officer 836 758 693 525 323 PWD-VH
17. AEE Electronics 910 832 662 534 379 PWD-OH
314 PWD-HH
18. AEE Electrical 869 800 710 710 397 PWD-OH
307 PWD-HH
19. AEE Instrumentation 798 734 500 No Post 325 PWD-OH
218 PWD-HH
20. AEE Civil 921 836 699 700 428 PWD-OH

* Note: These cutoffs are GATE 2016 normalized scores out of 1000 marks.

GATE 2015 Cutoff Scores for PSU Recruitment

HPCL Mechanical 68.45 60.90 50.59 41.94 34.40
Civil 70.04 63.04 54.05 51.38 39.38
Electrical 58.64 53.39 45.30 41.58 32.75
Instrumentation 44.33 39.33 30.67 21.00 17.00
E&TC 73.05 69.69 59.14 54,67 43.92
Chemical 56.67 44.00 42.00 32.67 26.67
NTPC Electrical 58.72 54.17 45.31 45.63 27.17
Mechanical 80.94 76.37 66.17 53.16 42.65
Electronics 69.17 60.54 54.64 49.54
Instrumentation 63 55 45 30.33
ONGC Electronics 856 856 639
CSE 867 496
Electrical 817 736 683 670
Mechanical 750 721 644 507
Instrumentation 754 738 641 495
Civil 888 844 0 754
BHEL Mechanical 64.67 58.00 48.00 39.67
Electrical 73.67 65.00 55.67 51.33
Electronics 74.67 70.33 58.33 51.67
MDL Mechanical 79.54 77.32 60.90 52.87
Electrical 59.58 57.45 43.34 43.88


ECE 766 1445 4480 6027 39684
Mechanical 304 332 2773
Electrical 215 358 2155
* The GATE Ranks are mentioned and not scores
Powergrid Electrical  59.10  53.44  44.65  41.84  –
Civil 73.49 66.71 60.11 53.78
IT 70.67 66.60
GAIL Mechanical 63.33 61.33 49.00 38.33
Electrical 72.67 68.00 54.00 49.00
Instrumentation 47.67 45.33 34.00 18.33
Chemical 58.67 53.67 40.67 43.67
NBCC Civil 60 & above 45 & above 45 & above 45 & above




Civil 61.53 37.85 20.87
Mechanical 77.32 49.29
Electrical 59.42 55.48 48.59 23.33
S & T 69.41 47.96
IRCON * Electrical 99.78 97.50 96.81 91.62
Mechanical 99.83 99.30
Civil 99.67 92.42  89.72 – 72.67

As can be seen from the above scores, the GATE cutoff required is on the higher side and only candidates who are in top ranks stand a chance of being called for interviews.

The number of candidates who are called for interviews are around four times more than the actual requirement. This is because the top rankers get to choose the company they will join, and therefore the PSUs call a large number of candidates for the interviews.

Some companies like Powergrid also consider the performance of the candidates and not solely the GATE scores. Most of the PSU recruitment through GATE depends majorly on the GATE scores.

AfterGraduation will provide here GATE Cutoff marks for PSUs as soon as any official notification is released  regarding the same. (Image Courtesy: Engineering Entrance Exam)

!! All the Best to GATE Aspirants for Higher Degree and PSU Recruitment !!


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