Guidance for CA Students During Writing IPC and Final Exams November 2017, ICAI Instruction for CA Exam aspirants
Chartered Accountant Commerce Preparation & Admission

Guidance for CA Students During Writing IPC and Final Exams November 2017

This is the high time for the CA aspirants, burning the midnight oil for the CA IPC and Final November 2017 Exams. You have prepared hard and hard work always pays. The Schedule for CA IPC November 2017 Exams will begin on Thursday, November 02, 2017 and Final will start from Wednesday, November 01, 2017. AfterGraduation shared the Guidance for CA Students to be followed during writing CA Exams.

In the previous article, AfterGraduation has shared the complete details of Do’s and Don’ts for CA IPC and Final candidates and how to save the time and chaos by following the instructions properly, framed for CA Students by ICAI.

In this article, AfterGraduation shared the expectations of ICAI from the CA exam takers to be followed. Any violation of these instructions will tantamount to adoption of unfair means and will attract punishment which may include expulsion from the examination hall or debarring from appearing in the examination or otherwise dealt with.

AfterGraduation suggesting to CA Final and IPC Nov. 2017 exam takers to follow the below guidance during writing the exam at Exam centre to avoid chaos and mistake, that may affect the CA aim.

Guidance for CA Students During the Examination

  • Candidates will find their roll numbers written against the seats allotted to them at exam centre. They should find and occupy their allotted seats only.
  • Candidates are allowed 15 minutes reading time before the scheduled commencement of the examination. Accordingly, the question paper will be distributed at 1.45 p.m (I.S.T) and the answer book at 2.00 p.m (I.S.T) each day.
  • Immediately on receipt of the question paper, check the question paper and write your Roll Number at the specified space provided on the cover page of the question paper.
  • Candidates should use all the pages in the main answer book/s supplied, before asking for the additional answer books. The candidate should write answers on both sides of the paper. Rough work when necessary, should be done on the left-hand side of the pages of the answer book only. Rough work should not be done on the question paper. The candidates are advised, in their own interest to ensure that working notes should form part of the answer/s.
  • Candidates should write the roll number in words and numerals inside the boxes and darken the corresponding OMR circles provided on the cover page of the main answer book only, in black ballpoint pen and in no other part of the answer book, additional sheet, graph paper etc.

READ Too: More Relaxation In Eligibility Criteria For Direct Entry CA Students

  • The attendance register contains the roll number sticker of the candidate, in the Paper Number column, below the space where the candidate is required to sign. Candidates should remove the correct roll number sticker of relevant paper/subject against his/her name from the attendance register and affix the same within the box provided in the top right-hand corner of the cover page of the answer book. Since a machine will read the roll no. candidates should check and ensure that the roll number written in words, numbers, and circles darkened are correct. In case this information is filled wrongly, Institute will not take any responsibility for rectifying the mistake. Candidates should also affix their signature within the box provided for the purpose, on the cover page of the answer book. 
  • Candidate should answer all questions of a paper in one set of answer books except in the following papers which have two sections and which are to be answered in different answer books.
    Intermediate (IPC) Examination:
    Paper-4 Section A – Direct Taxes
      Section B – Indirect Taxes
    Paper-7 Section A – Information Technology
      Section B – Strategic Management

The cover pages of the answer books of Section A and Section B are printed in different color schemes and they also bear the names of the subjects and/or alphabets “A” and “B” printed on them. Candidates are expected to answer in the correct set of answer books. The Council and the examiners do not undertake to examine answers written in wrong set of answer books

  • Use the Statistical/Mathematical tables and graph paper wherever needed, for solving the questions which are indicated on the question paper itself and would be made available to the candidates on demand, by the Superintendent.
  • While answering the question paper, take care of below to score better –

(a) The answers should be written neatly and legibly and should be brief to the point. However, avoid use of SMS type of language, while writing your answers.
The answer to each question must be commenced on a fresh page and the question number clearly and prominently written at the top of each answer. Candidates are advised in their own interest not to leave full pages blank in between the answers. Candidates an advised to check the answer book carefully after completing the paper & score off any blank pages, i.e. draw a line across the blank page, if any.
The answer to each question in all parts should be completed fully on one page, or in a consecutive set of pages before the next question is taken up i.e. all parts of a question be done together.
Candidates are required to answer the requisite number of questions as per instructions printed on each question paper. In case any candidate answers extra questions/sub-questions over and above the required number, then the requisite number of questions first answered in the answer book shall be valued and subsequent questions answered extra will be ignored.
(e) Candidates should write the answers only in black ink (use ballpoint) and in no other color. 
Candidates are also advised not to use red, green ink, highlighter, sketch pen etc. for underlining or highlighting any sentence/Para/phrase. Candidates are permitted to use pencils for drawing graphs, diagrams etc. However, Candidates should take care not to use pencil for writing answers.

ALSO READ: ICAI Desires Post Graduation Status For CA Qualification

  • The candidates should write the question number and the Sub-question number, if any, very clearly. The candidates should also leave a margin on each page wherever margin is not provided in the answer book.
  • The answer book and additional sheets used if any, should be fastened together with a tag supplied for the purpose. They should also be stapled. Candidates are to bring their stapler and staple them after tagging. The number of answer books used must be clearly stated in the space provided on the cover page of the answer book.
  • Similarly, the number of questions attempted should also be indicated, by way of a tick (√) mark against the question/s attempted, in the cages provided for the purpose on the cover page of the answer book.
  • The Institute has extended the facility of obtaining confirmation, from the invigilator concerned for the answer books surrendered. Candidates should obtain the signature of the invigilator concerned, immediately on submission of their answer books, in the relevant column provided in the Admit Card. In the case of papers with two sections, i.e. Sections ‘A’ & ‘B’, a signature of the Invigilator may be obtained against each section separately. Candidates should not leave the hall without surrendering their answer books to the Invigilator or the Superintendent.
  • The candidates are prohibited from writing their Articles Registration Number, Name, any extraneous notes, remarks, or appeals in their answer books and any violation shall tantamount to adoption of unfair means.
  • Every candidate must sign the attendance sheets in the appropriate column against their Roll No. and name and in no case shall leave the examination hall without signing these sheet.

READ ALSO: CA Students To Commence Articleship After Clearing Either Group Of IPCC

  • Candidates have been allowed to answer in Hindi in all papers of a group or both Groups in entirety as may be applicable and no paper-wise option is allowed. The option once exercised is final and cannot be changed subsequently. In the absence of any clear option, English Medium is reckoned as the medium of answering in the examination. All questions including, parts, if any, in all the papers have to answer in chosen medium only. However, candidates can write number, technical terms, phrases and figures in English and can also solve numerical questions in English.

For Intermediate (Integrated Professional Competence) Examination candidates:
For those who have opted for English medium, the question paper will be provided in English. For those who have opted for Hindi medium, the question paper will be bilingual,i.e they will be in English as well as Hindi, except in Paper No(s) – 1 (Accounting), 4A(Direct Taxes), 4B(Indirect Taxes) and 5 (Advanced Accounting). The question papers of these papers No(s) will be in English only for all the candidates.  However, Hindi medium candidates are allowed to write their Answers in Hindi.

For FINAL candidates:
In respect of final examination, the questions papers will be in English only for all the candidates though Hindi medium candidates are allowed to write their answers in Hindi.

  • Students are allowed to use battery operated portable calculators in all the subjects. The calculators can be of any type with up to 6 functions, 12 digits and up to two memories. Mobile Phones or Any Other Electronic Gadgets/Device are banned in the examination Centre.
  • No candidate shall bring with him/her into the examination hall or carry on his/her person any paper, book, notes or any other material, nor shall he/she communicate with any other candidate in the examination hall or in the premises, when the examination is in progress.

Stay strong, focused and determined by your Preparation and revision Strategy. If you lose confidence and focus, your productivity gets affected. Be confident, let your mind relax and focus on the test. Please post your comments or queries regarding CA Examination preparation and paper, on our Aftergraduation Forum. Connect with us for more guidance for CA Students and other updates on Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter also.

!! AfterGraduation wishes CA Aspirants a very Best Luck !!

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