How to Prepare and Success IAS Exam Without Coaching? Preparation of UPSC exams without coaching
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How to Prepare and Success IAS Exam Without Coaching?

How to Prepare for UPSC IAS Exam Without Coaching? The UPSC or Union Public Service Commission is the main board for Civil Services Examination (IAS Exam) and the exam is concerned to be the toughest exam in the country. It needs a good preparation and proper strategy to make it a success. Coaching can provide you with the direction but the self-study can also serve your goal if done with proper planning, strategy and passion.

Every person has a unique ability, Some can make a plan to study for 8 hours, some 10 and some 12. Some have an amazing analytical brain, some have a great memory power. So, identify your strength and weaknesses and plan accordingly for the preparation. Work on your weaknesses and further strengthen your strengths. Do not get disheartened when you see others studying more hours. Perhaps you can write a better answer than them.

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In this article, we will give you a broad outline to prepare UPSC Civil Services Exam mainly known as IAS Exam without coaching. You need to self-analyse yourself and needs to plan accordingly. You have to identify yourself and go ahead. Below given are some tips and tricks which will give you some guidance for the UPSC exam preparation.

Tips to Prepare for IAS Exam Without Coaching

1. Understand the Exam Pattern

UPSC Civil Services Exam is conducted in three phases –

Stage 1: Preliminary Examination (Objective)
Stage 2: Main Examination (Subjective)
Stage 3: Personal Interview (Vocal)

There are 2 papers in Preliminary Examination– Paper I and Paper II. Paper I tests you on General Studies and Paper II tests you on Aptitude. The papers are of objective types (multiple type questions) and carry a maximum of 200 marks each. Negative marking is applicable in UPSC Exams.

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There are 9 papers in Mains – which test your language skills, General Studies, Subject Knowledge.

2. Go through the syllabus and Prepare Timetable

  • Download the Complete syllabus and go through it thoroughly.
  • Start your preparation sooner after understanding the Syllabus and exam pattern of the UPSC IAS exam.
  • Analyze the syllabus and formulate a study timetable that suits you. Keep the proper schedule for revision, Mock test.

3. Reading the Newspaper

  • In the newspaper ‘What and how to read’ should be clear in the mind of the aspirant.
  • A newspaper is efficient in yielding high result because it has a bundle of knowledge in it.
  • From an exam viewpoint, there are three segments in a newspaper – Events (that gives facts and figures), Issues (provides views and reviews that helps in developing an individual’s understanding and opinion on contemporary subjects) and Gossips.

4. Analyze Previous Years Question Papers

  • Candidates must go through the previous years questions papers as it helps aspirants to be aware of the exam pattern, important topics and a lot more things which will help them in the exam.

5. Set up your Time- Management

  • While attempting the question paper keep the most important thing in mind that is urgent and important questions. The overall cut off depends on which segment and Candidates have to be clear those segment accordingly
  • The poor time management leads to unpleasant results so, the CSE (Civil Services Examinations) aspirants needs a proper time management to clear the examination.

6. Revision

  • The more you revise your course the more you be getting better in that subject. We always hear a phrase that “Practice makes a man perfect”. Unfortunately! Somehow, the applicants fail to implicate it in real life.
  • The order to keep hold on to the information gained during the preparation it is necessary to revise frequently.
  • While reading ‘something new’ and revising the ‘old one’ should be in parity. The both should go hand in hand.

7. Final stage-Interview

  • The interview only depends on your attitude and way of answering. Aspirants who were told “hopeless” in mocks but got one of the highest in interview.
  • UPSC doesn’t go for “test of knowledge” they go for “test of personality”. So candidates don’t need to join any mock interviews.
  • For you the UPSC’s interview is very important but for the interviewer it’s just the another day so they don’t prepare they just see how you (candidate) tackle or respond to the questions.

Here you got the details about preparation tips for IAS Exam Without Coaching. Wishing all the aspirants of the IAS Exam 2019 to burn their midnight oils to crack the UPSC recruitment test 2019. Have any feedback or inputs regarding “How to Prepare IAS Exam Without Coaching?”, you can post and discuss with us via the AfterGraduation Forum or in below comment box.

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