How to Prepare CAT 2019 Without Coaching? The scope of this exam is very high, so you need a proper schedule, better guidance, good time table for your self then study you can easily crack this to do Self study for MBA Entrance Exams.
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How to Prepare CAT 2019 Without Coaching?

Prepare CAT 2019 Without Coaching: Securing high marks in CAT, MBA Entrance exam is everybody’s dream. Your commitment towards achieving success in this exam is important for you; the same is the mode of preparation through which you want to crack this difficult exam. The scope of the CAT exam is very high, that is why you need a proper schedule and guidance to easily prepare for this exam. If you have proper guidance and you manage a good time table for self-study you can easily crack this exam.

Every MBA aspirant has a question in their mind whether to go for coaching or not. Before starting to prepare for this exam, a number of questions come in their mind – Whether proper guidance is important to crack this exam? How to crack this exam without coaching? Would it be possible to score high without coaching? If you want to crack this exam and these question are always in your mind, then you have come to the right place. Here you will get answers to these questions.

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Many experts believe that proper coaching and mentorship is essential to crack this examination, but they are also sure that self-preparation coupled with disciplined approach about the preparation for this exam can also lead you to crack CAT.

READ Too: CAT 2019 Notification Released, Registration To Start From Aug 7

How to Prepare CAT 2019 Without Coaching?

CAT is a highly competitive and tough exam to crack for every student, more than two lakh candidates appear every year for this exam to get admission in 20 IIMs and around 100 Business schools in the country.

Entering into such tough competition, taking coaching guidance for this exam will definitely help you to prepare and execute preparation plan within this small time frame. However, what do you do if your financial situation did not allow you to take coaching? This article will help you in such situations and guide you to crack the CAT exam 2019 without coaching.

Many examples of the candidate are in front of us who cracked this exam without coaching. For example, Mayank Raj secured 100 per cent score in CAT 2017 without any coaching.

Another example is of Arvind Menon who also achieved this milestone and secured 100 per cent in CAT 2017  without any coaching. So these examples definitely proved that CAT Exam can be cracked without any coaching.

We will discuss six best ways to crack this exam-

  1. Know the CAT Exam Pattern and Syllabus

If you have decided to crack the CAT exam, your first preference should be to know in detail the CAT Syllabus and exam pattern of CAT. Check-in details the previous questions and read in detail about those questions. Do a comprehensive analysis of previous papers. The pattern of CAT exam is it consists of Quantitative AptitudeData Interpretation & Logical Reasoning and Verbal and Reading Comprehension.

Exam Mode Online
Sections Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning & Quantitative Ability.
Question type MCQs  and Non-MCQs
Total Questions 100
Total time duration 3 hours or 180 minutes

Also, general knowledge is included in the CAT exam. Read topics according to the syllabus of the exam and don’t leave any section.

READ ALSO: How To Start Preparation For CAT 2019?

  1. Get the Right Study Material and Books

Having a good study material and focused topics about this exam will help you crack the exam easily. Lots of study material and books available for CAT exam in the market.

A large number of books, study questions, CAT sample papers solved and books by expert authors are also available. You can read books and study material and also these are available offline. Apart from this read newspapers and magazines regularly in order to remain in touch with current affairs.

  1. Take Online Mock Tests

This is very important for those who want to crack the CAT exam without any coaching. Online tests increase the speed and accuracy of candidates. As a result, he/she become knows the exact time limit in which he/she has to finish paper.

Give the CAT tests on a regular basis and check out your progress for preparation after each mock test. Try to correct the common mistakes in these mock tests, because a silly mistake or lack of conceptual knowledge about topics and their clarity can take away your success in this exam. Most of the candidate who secures about 90 per cent and above suggested taking the tests regularly. Madhur Gupta, who secured 100 per cent in CAT 2017, says that apart from self-study. I took the online mock tests from T.I.M.E career launcher at the end.

  1. Create Study Groups

Creating study groups of good candidates is necessary and useful for all candidates who have the desire to crack the CAT exam. Through the study groups, you get a platform to discuss difficult topics, strategies and detailed descriptions of the CAT exam.

  1. Utilise the Internet

Internet is the boss of information in today’s word you can get help on every topic and guidance on the internet. You can get lots of study material related to CAT exam on the internet. You can also connect with different educational sites related to CAT exam through social media groups.

  1. Be Confident and Stay Motivated

This is most important for the candidates who want to crack this difficult exam. They have to remain confident and believe in their abilities that they can crack this exam. Pay attention to your weak areas and try to improve them.

READ MORE: Best Books For CAT 2019 Section Wise Preparation

All the Best CAT 2019 Aspirants..!!

Here you got the details of CAT 2018 Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Preparation Tips for each section of Exam, Guidance to Score better and other details. Please post your Feedback or Comments regarding this article, on our AfterGraduation Forum or in below comment box.

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