CAT 2018 (Common Admission Test) is a national level management entrance exam for admission into various management programs of IIMs and other top B-Schools in the academic session 2019-20. A common myth associated with CAT is that it is a very tough examination and the questions are complex and difficult to crack. It is not 100% true. It is just a different pattern of examination which requires proper CAT Preparation and a different approach to solve the paper. The success lies in understanding the basic fundamentals and practising regularly. “Practice makes man perfect!”
It is a Computer-based standardized test which basically includes Quantitative Ability (QA), Verbal Ability (VA) and Reading Comprehension (RC), Data Interpretation (DI) and Logical Reasoning (LR). The test is conducted every year by one of the IIMs based on a policy of rotation and this year – IIM Calcutta will conduct CAT 2018 on November 25. The other important dates are also officially out.
EVENTS | Tentative DATES |
Registration | 8 Aug–24 Sep 2018 |
Availability of Admit card | 20 Oct 2018 |
Exam | 25 Nov 2018 |
Results Announcement | 10 Jan 2019 |
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The CAT score is not only useful in getting admissions in IIMs but other B-schools as well. Also, CAT exam is followed by GD (GROUP DISCUSSION) and PI (PERSONAL INTERVIEW) which enhances confidence skills So when they give job interviews there experience is not that bad. Even MNC’s get a universal kind of medium to judge candidates who have done the CAT in terms of their scores comparison. MNC’s can even compare students who opted for other management entrance tests, with candidates who have given CAT Exam.
Because of so many advantages, the popularity of CAT is increasing year by year and this year also more eligible and interested candidates are expected to appear for CAT exam than last year.
Since the CAT exam is in November there are 5 months left for its aspirants. And many of aspirants haven’t started preparing till now. So it becomes necessary for them to make a roadmap or a study plan that how are they gonna for CAT preparation and cover all the topics required for good CAT Score in just 5 months. To make their work a bit easier here is the rough plan or say some tips which can help them for CAT preparation in 5 months.
READ Too: Skills Required To Crack The CAT Exam
1.Know where you stand Before CAT Preparation Start
As we know CAT syllabus includes Quantitative Ability (QA), Verbal Ability (VA) and Reading Comprehension (RC), Data Interpretation (DI) and Logical Reasoning (LR) which are totally based on your practice and presence of mind. So before actually starting you should know where you stand, what your strong topics and which are weaker ones and start practising those. Give 2 days to analyse and improve as per requirement like if have accuracy but you slower then you need to improve your speed and if you are not so accurate, practice more with concepts and calculations.
2. Basics are Important
Don’t ever forget the basics. Revise the basics and clear all concepts because 80% of the CAT exam questions are just based on the basic concepts. Give your 6-7 weeks in improving and commanding your basics, gradually start increasing the difficulty level to know how better you understand a peculiar topic
3. Punctuality and Improving Weaker Sections
Be more serious about getting a good percentile in CAT, devote at least 5-6 hours (if not working professional) with full concentration for CAT preparation. If you are a working professional devote 2-3 hours on working day and at least 4-5 hours on weekends or holidays. There are certain topics which you are weak at so give 2 weeks to improve them practice those with gradually increasing the level, go for their basic questions first and then proceed further.
4. Mock Tests and Revisions
The best for CAT preparation in a short period of time is giving mock tests frequently, get a lot of mock tests and solve them to attain speed and accuracy. Enrol atleast 2 different test series so that you get more type of questions. If you follow the above schedule you will be left with 10 weeks, this is the time when you should start revising the topics you have done already and also those test papers are required to be done again and again which you have attempted earlier.
5. Sectionwise Practicing
Don’t stuck on one topic for long. Most of the candidates stuck on the Quantative and verbal part but the rest 3 parts also constitute 50% of CAT syllabus so focusing on them is also necessary. Make week schedule, like to devote 2 days to QA, 1 day to VA, 1 day to DI, 1 day to LR and 1 day to RC still you are left with one day devote that day as revision day and practice mock tests as many as possible with taken care of time. The next 5-6 weeks are given to practice section wise, practice each section in its own given time and get command on each of them.
6. Time for Touchup
The last few weeks are always crucial as you are getting more closer to the exam but this is time when you need most of your mental Strength, the last 3-5 weeks should be of polishing the topics you have practiced so far, its all about revising the older ones, its better to not stuck on new topics in this time, but if you confident about older ones then you should go for these.
It’s better if you keep atleast 3 weeks for just revisions and mock tests so that you can maximize the benefit of hard work you have done in the previous 5 months.
ALSO READ: Top 10 MBA Entrance Exams To Appear In 2018
If you are just waiting for the best time to start, don’t wait for that because the time when you start will be the best, its just 5 months, first steps are required right now. But if have already started preparing, you can keep going with whatever plan you are going with, but don’t forget to update your schedule according to the left time. And Hence be motivated and healthy.
All the Best Aspirants for CAT Preparation!!
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