GATE 2017 exam will be held on 4th, 5th, 11th and 12th February 2017. It is time for the GATE 2017 aspirants to start their preparation in a serious and-intense manner. Chemical Engineering applicants for GATE 2016 were 18642 in total. This shows that it is one of the relatively preferred branches after ME,CSE, ECE, EE, CE and IN. Many PSUs have advertised for Chemical Engineering graduates through GATE 2016/2017.
Before starting your preparation, it is highly important to know the topics to study for GATE. This requires checking of the GATE Syllabus for Chemical Engineering to know in detail the topics that need to be covered. You can plan your preparation after segregation of the topics into difficult, easy and to be learnt. The topics you are strong in need to be revised while the others require a good effort.
It is important to do this exercise to be clear in your GATE preparation. Mark the Subjects with more weightage and less weightage and prepare with more weightage subjects or something that interests you. As far as guidance are concerned – I can share the basic mantras that worked perfectly for all candidates –
Topics/Books & Authors:
Check the books recommended by GATE Toppers as well as GATE experts below for preparation.
S.No. | Topics | Books and Authors |
1. | Engineering Mathematics | B.S. Grewal |
2. | Chemical Engineering for GATE | Ram Prasad |
3. | Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering | David.M.Himmelblau |
4. | Thermodynamics | An Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics-J. M. Smith, H. C. Van Ness, M. M. Abbott
A Textbook of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics – K. V. Narayanan. |
5. | Mechanical Operation | Mechanical Operation For Chemical Engineering by Narayanan C. M. & Bhattacharyya B. C
Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering -Warren McCabe, Julian Smith, Peter Harriott |
6. | Heat Transfer | Heat Transfer – Jack Philip Holman
Heat Transfer- Binay.K.Dutta |
7. | Mass Transfer | Mass Transport Phenomena- Christie J. Geankoplis
Mass Transfer Operations-Robert E. Treybal |
8. | Fluid Mechanics | Introduction To Fluid Mechanics (English) 7th Edition (paperback) … by Yunus A. Cengel, John M. Cimbala
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics- Fox and Mcdonald |
9. | Chemical Reaction Engineering | Chemical Reaction Engineering- Fogler & Gurmen
Chemical Reaction Engineering- Octave Levenspiel |
10. | Process Dynamics and Control | Process Systems Analysis and Control – Donald R. Coughanowr & Steven E. LeBlanc |
11. | Chemical Process Control | An Introduction To Theory And Practice- Stephanopoulos.G
Process dynamics and control – Seborg, D.E., Edgar, T.F. and Mellichamp, D.A Plant design and Economics- Peters M. S. and Timmerhaus K. D |
12. | Chemical Technology | Dryden’s Outlines of Chemical Technology by Gopala Rao M. and Marshall S |
13. | Transport Phenomena | R. Byron Bird, Warren E. Stewart, Edwin N. Lightfoot |
I will suggest to follow the text book that you are most comfortable. The main thing is to be clear your fundamentals before appearing for any exam.
Prepare a Formula Book
Prepare a handbook containing important formulae needed for GATE questions. This handbook will be your last minute guide for revision. So in initial preparing days, study the major topics 3-4 hours daily and made a formula book out of it. Mostly try to solve the examples from the text books. I would suggest not to spend much time reading as it wastes a lot of time and energy, instead try solving text book examples and exercises, that will clear the doubts.
Keep Updating and Refreshing Concepts
Read your formulae book over and over again. Besides, whenever you find some important concept or trick while solving problems, note it down in your formulae book. And in chemical engineering, you have to a keen sense of engineering insight, for example orders of magnitude of say pressure drop or heat transfer coefficients etc. It helps in calculated guesses if you do not how to solve.
Practise GATE Sample Papers
Experts and Toppers firmly believe that one of the important exercises in GATE Preparation is practice with the help of previous year GATE papers. There are many advantages to this:
- GATE Question Paper Pattern becomes familiar and you can get comfortable knowing the pattern of questions to expect.
- The type of questions that may be asked in the actual exam can be generally gauged along with the difficulty levels of questions with constant practice.
- With more practice, you can improve on your speed and hone your time management skills.
- You can plan your exam strategy by solving as many as possible sample papers.
The best preparation for Gate is solving last year papers. You get all of them on the GATE website.
READ Too: How To Prepare for GATE: Mechanical Engineering
GATE Mock Test
Mock test is the simulation of GATE exam, and is online. Aspirants are advised to attempt it so that they get a fair idea of the actual entrance test. The GATE Mock Test will have an online calculator, timer and, will just be like the real GATE exam. So it is advantageous to attempt it in order to get a feel of the exam.
Not to missed Guidelines during preparation
- Study in the best manner that is suited to you. Scheduling and planning is very important.
- Prepare short notes on all topics during your study for GATE. This can be used for revision in the last days of GATE preparation.
- Ensure that you cover Engineering Mathematics and General Aptitude in the course of your preparation. Preparing for them and doing them well will ensure a good score.
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