GATE ME/MTech Preparation & Admission

How To Prepare for GATE: Mechanical Engineering

How to Prepare for GATE for Mechanical Engineering subject is compilation of the guidance, preparation tips, important topics for the Mechanical Engineering aspirants of GATE.

Candidates can check how best to go about preparation for the GATE Paper on Mechanical Engineering and also the books needed. Some major checkpoints for preparation are as below –

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Before You Start- Some Important Guidelines:

All the GATE  Papers will have English as compulsory sections along with Maths and General Aptitude. Most of the students tend to igore this part for advance preparation and leave it for a later stage for preparation in short duration.

This is not proper plan as per Experts. English and Aptitude are known to be relatively easy to crack in GATE exam and this section carries 15 marks- a substantial number that can count towards the overall marks, score and Rank.

Similarly with Maths; contrary to popular perception, the questions asked in Maths are not extremely hard. With a bit of effort, preparation and practice, this section can also become a marks fetching section.

Expert advice suggests that it is good to prepare for these too side by side along with the main syllabus. The reason is that these sections carry a substantial amount of marks and are not that tough to crack with a little preparation from candidates.

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Mechanical Engineering Important Topics & Books:

An analysis of the previous GATE Papers suggests that the following topics are relatively more important for preparation in Mechanical Engineering. Here, it may be noted that ideally one should complete studying as per the GATE Syllabus.

READ ALSO: GATE-2016 : Pattern of Question Papers And Marking Scheme

One should never leave things to chance but if emphasis has to be given, the topics given below can be considered as slightly important to merit more attention to their preparation. Alongside, we have also listed the books that can be used for studying these topics. Please note that the topics mentioned below are not placed in order of priority.



   To emphasize on Books Recommended

Engineering Mechanics


Resolving Forces, Equilibrium, Equilibrium And Truss

Engineering Mechanics by Bhavikatti

Engineering Mechanics by Beer and Johnston,

Engineering Mechanics by R K Rajput

Strength of Materials

Principe stress and strain, BMD and SFD, Macaulay’s theorem (slope & deflection), Thin Pressure Vessels, Problems On  Various Theories Of Failure, Torques and Bending Moment Calculation.

Strength of Materials – Gere & Timoshenko

Theory of Machines

Mechanism, Gear train, Flywheel, Linear Vibration Analysis of Mechanical systems (Goodman or Soderberg or Gerber Criteria), torsion, strain energy, S-N curve, Degrees Of Freedom, Instantaneous Centre Method, Clutch Power, Brake Power, Belt Drive, D.O.F. Of  Mechanisms, Simple Gearing Ratio Spur Gears, Type Of Mechanism  Simple Spur Gear Main, Quick Return Mechanism, Mobility

Theory of Machines by Ratan

Design of Machine Elements

Design For Static And Dynamic Loading, Failure Theories, Fatigue Strength And The S-N Diagram, Principles of The Design of Machine Elements Such As Bolt etc, Riveted And Welded Joints, Shafts, Spur Gears, Rolling And Sliding Contact Bearings, Brakes And Clutches.

Machine design-V.B. Bhandari

Strength of Materials

Concepts, Generally Theories of Failure, Mohr’s Circle

Strength of Materials by Gere & Timoshenko, B C Unamia, Sadhu Singh, Ramamrutham

Fluid Mechanics

Simple & Differential Piezometer, Pressure Column Height Calculation, Reynold’s No. Calculation, Hydraulic Power, Nozzle Velocity Etc. Of Turbines, Bernoulli’s Law (Simple Problems), Tapered Sections, Pump Parameters (Speed, Power, Discharge), Force Calculation

Fluid Mechanics by R K Bansal

Fluid & Hydraulics- Modi and Seth

Thermal Science

Rankine Cycle, Brayton Cycle, Regeneration in steam and other cycles, T-S diagrams, P-V diagrams, Enthalpy Calculations, C.O.P. parameters of I.C. Engine, DBT, WBT, Relations (Otto ,Diesel Cycles), Exit Temperature In Various Stages Of Cycles , Pressure of Nozzle, Compressor Work Calculations, Work Done


Heat Transfer

Convection, Conduction, Radiation, Efficiency Calculation, Heat Exchanger (Parallel & Counter Flow) Outlet Temp. Calculation, Biot Number, Prandtl Number, LMTD, Heat Transfer Through Slabs, Shells, Cylinders, Condenser

Heat and Mass Transfer by J P Hollman and R C Sachdeva

Heat Transfer by Cengel and Holman

Manufacturing Engineering

Machining (Milling, Drilling, EDM, ECM) Tool Geometry, Punching, Blanking, Force, Conceptual & Theoretical Questions, Orthogonal Machining, Heat & Power Required In Welding, Transformations (Rotations, Scaling Etc.), Solidification Time, CNC Machine G Codes And M Codes, Sheet Metal, Various Types Of Fits,  

Industrial Engineering

Forecasting Model, CPM, PERT, Work Study And Measurement, Scheduling And Johnson’s Rule Time Study, EOQ, Standard Time, Demand, Poisson’s Arrivals & Departures, LPP Problems, Graphical Queueing Model, Break Even Analysis

Industrial Engineering by O P Khanna, Buffa and Sarin


Single D.O.F, Finding Natural Frequencies (Underdamped, Critically Damped, Overdamped) Mechanical Vibration by Grover

Thermo Dynamics

Cycles, Turbines, Refrigeration, Work & Heat, First Law of Thermodynamics, Second Law Of Thermodynamics, Entropy, Properties Of Pure Substances

Engineering Thermodynamics by P K Nag and Rajput

Thermodyanmics by Cengel.

The above mentioned topics are just for better preparation. It is highly recommended that Aspirants should study the complete syllabus in detail rather than just a few topics. Since there is still ample time for good preparation for GATE, candidates should cover the complete Mechanical Engineering GATE Syllabus.

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