ICAI Changes CA Exam Pattern, ICAI has announced the changes in Chartered Accountants' CA exam pattern to be applicable from May 2019 and onwards exams. The CA exams are from May 27.
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ICAI Changes CA Exam Pattern From May 2019

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, ICAI has announced the changes in Chartered Accountants’ exams pattern to be applicable from May 2019 and onwards attempts. ICAI will conduct the Chartered Accountants (CA) examination from May 27, 2019. The CA Exam pattern changes will be applied from May 2019 exam and onwards attempts.

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ICAI has introduced MCQ in some papers of ICAI Intermediate (New and IPC) and CA Final (New and Old) courses. The question papers will have 30 marks of objective questions (MCQ) and 70 marks of the subjective part. As per ICAI notification regarding CA Exam pattern  “The question papers in respect of the below-mentioned papers will have two parts, Part I comprising MCQs to the tune of 30 marks (question carrying 1 or 2 marks) and Part II comprising descriptive type questions to the tune of 70 marks”.

The changes will be applied to the ICAI CA exam 2019 papers as mentioned here.

CA Intermediate New CA Intermediate (IPC)
Paper Code Subject Paper Code Subject
2 Corporate and Other Laws 2 Business Laws, Ethics and Communication
4 Taxation 4 Taxation
6 Auditing and Assurance 6 Auditing and Assurance
7 Enterprise Information systems
and strategic management
7 Information Technology and
Strategic Management


CA Final (New) Course  CA Final (Old) Course
Paper Subject Paper Subject
3 Advanced Auditing and
Professional Ethics
3 Advanced Auditing and Professional
4 Corporate and Economic Laws 4 Corporate and Allied Laws
7 Direct Tax laws and International
6 Information Systems Control and
8 Indirect Tax Laws 7 Direct Tax Laws
8 Indirect Tax Laws

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As mentioned in the ICAI l notification regarding change in CA Exam pattern, Candidates will be required to write their answers of Part I of the paper i.e. MCQs by darkening the appropriate circles with HB pencil in the OMR answer sheet and Part II of the paper i.e. the descriptive type questions in the descriptive type answer book only.

The MCQs would be asked in the exam paper may be either knowledge-based or application based. There will be no negative marking for wrong answers in part 1 of the paper. No reasoning is required for answers to MCQs.

The ICAI exams duration for the above subjects is of 3 hours. ICAI will not segregate the usage of the timing within the 3 hours exam duration. Candidates will be free to use the time as per their convenience for answering descriptive type questions and objective type questions.

Candidates appearing for the CA Examinations will be allowed to enter the examination hall max by 02:15 pm (IST), i.e up to 30 minutes of exam paper distribution. Reading time of 15 minutes for the CA Examinations will continue to be in each Exam papers. The answer sheet will be given to examinees at 02:00 pm in every exam and exam question paper distribution will be done before the 15 minutes of the exam time. This 15 minutes will continue as a reading time in each exam papers.

The OMR answer sheets for above-mentioned subjects exam will be in English only for all candidates including the candidates who have selected Hindi medium as their language for writing the answers.

Candidates are advised to take note of the above-mentioned changes in the CA Exam pattern and prepare accordingly. Due to the Lok Sabha elections, ICAI had earlier postponed and rescheduled the crucial Chartered Accountants (CA) exams for May 2019.

The CA Foundation course exam will be conducted on June 4, 7, 9, and 11, 2019. Intermediate (IPC) course exam will be conducted on May 28, 30 and June 1, 3, 6, 8 and 10, 2019 in two groups. CA Intermediate course exam will be conducted on May 28, 30 and June 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and 12, 2019. Further, the CA Final course exam will be conducted on May 27, 29, 31 and June 2, 4, 7, 9 and 11, 2019.

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Here you got the details about ICAI’s Change in CA Exam pattern to be applicable from May 2019 exams onwards. Have any queries or comments CA Exam May/June 2019 attempt and Exam Pattern, you can post in the below comment box or on our Discussion Forum.

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