ICAI Released CA CPT June 2018 Admit Cards Released @icaiexam.icai.org, Exam On June 17
Chartered Accountant Commerce

ICAI CPT Admit Card June 2017 Exam Released

ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accountants of India) has released the admit card of CA CPT (Common Proficiency Test) June 2017 to all eligible applicants, who are appearing in the exam. Candidates appearing for the entry level examination can download CA CPT admit card June 2017 by login through their registered Id and password for CA CPT through the official link on this page. The admit card of CA CPT 2017 mentions candidate name, roll number as well as details about test and examination centres.

The exam conducting authority, ICAI has also notified that the CA CPT June 2017 admit card won’t be available in any other mode i.e. By post to those who have applied online. They will be required to print their admit card from the below mentioned link. In terms of the decision of the Examination Committee of the Institute, the practice of sending physical admit cards by post is discontinued with effect from May 2017 examination onwards.

ICAI conducts CA CPT exam twice a year in the months of June and December. ICAI will soon announce CPT time table (Exam Date) for Dec 2017.

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CA CPT June 2017 is scheduled to be held in a pen paper mode on June 18. Candidates must carry a valid CA CPT June 2017 admit card while appearing for the examination. Candidates are advised to keep extra copies of CA CPT 2017 admit card as well as photo ID card with them for verification at the examination hall.

READ Too: CPT June 2017 Registration Application Form, Last Dates, Fees And Details

ICAI has also opened CA CPT Application Correction Window II till June 11, for candidates who could not modify their medium and exam centre details in correction window earlier. Students eagerly waiting for their CA CPT Admit Card June 2017 can check here how to download Admit Card on this page below.

Download CA CPT Admit Card June 2017

  1. Click on link provided below for ICAI CPT June 2017 admit card.
  2. Candidates need to enter their Login Id and Password as registered before April 3, 2017
  3. Candidates will be directed to their ICAI registered account
  4. Candidates need to click on ‘view’ button for CA CPT June 2017 Admit Card.
  5. Candidates need to save the admit card or click on download button to obtain the admit card for CPT.
  6. Before downloading the CA CPT June 2017 admit card, candidates need to verify all details furnished it
  7. In case of any discrepancy regarding admit card, candidates need to contact and notify the admission help desk on the below-mentioned helpline numbers –

CA CPT Helpdesk :

Helpline Numbers

0120 3054 851, extensions- 852/ 853/854 and 835

0120 4953 751, extensions – 752/753 and 754

Mail Address – cpt_exam@icai.in

READ ALSO: CPT, A Beginning For CA: An Overview

Click here or download CA CPT 2017 Admit Card from the window below (Login to download admit card)

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