The ICAI Results 2018 for CA Final November (Old and New Course), CA Foundation December, CPT December 2018 and Information Systems Audit [ISA] Assessment Test has been announced on Wednesday, January 23, 209, around 5:00 pm. AfterGraduation shares the ways to access the ICAI results 2018, the merit list, the pass percentage and the previous pass percentage of CA CPT and CA Final exams.
The result of the Information Systems Audit [ISA] Assessment Test held on December 22, 2018, is also declared today on Wednesday, January 23, 2018, around 2:00 pm at the Institute’s office at New Delhi. The result of the Assessment Test will be available on the Institute’s website.
The qualifiers of CA Final examination will be certified as proper Chartered Accountant (CA). Whereas, the qualifiers of CPT examination will move forward for their CA dream by applying for the further level of training and Intermediate course (IPCC).
ICAI also disclosed the merit list on all India basis. The results of CA Final, Foundation and CPT Nov/Dec Exams contain subject wise marks and Pass/Fail Status. It is important to note that the candidates who qualified the exams will only be able to download Rank Card within two weeks after the announcement of the result.
How to Check ICAI 2018 Results?
The ICAI results 2018 of CA Foundation, CPT, CA Final (old) and Final (New) can be checked on the ICAI Exam below official websites –
To check the ICAI results 2018, the candidates will have to enter the Roll Number and PIN Number or Registration Number.
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ICAI 2018 Results Merit List
Shahdab Hussain from Kota, Rajasthan has secured the top position in the CA Final Old Syllabus November 2018 merit list. He tops the CA Exams with 74.63% marks in his first attempt only.
Siddhant Bhandari from Jodhpur, Rajasthan has secured the top position in the CA Final (Revised Scheme) November 2018 merit list. he tops the merit list with 69.38% marks.
The CA Foundation Dec 2018 Exam topper is Garvit Jain (AIR 1) with 374/400 marks, followed by Kshitij Mittal (AIR 2) and Hardik Gandhi (AIR 3).
Trends of CA Results
The pass percentage of CA CPT witnessed a dip as compared to the June 2018 session (40.52%) as 38.02% of candidates qualified the exam this time.
The overall pass percentage has also increased sharply by a difference of 30.01% and 28.63% among the CA Final old and new scheme candidates respectively.
CPT June 2018 Pass Percentage
Group | No. of Candidates Appeared | No. of Candidates Passed | Pass Percentage |
Female | 24,512 | 6,916 | 37.47% |
Male | 29,962 | 8,368 | 38.42% |
Total | 54,474 | 15,284 | 28.06% |
Trends of CA CPT Result
Attempt | Appeared candidates in | Passed Candidates | Pass Percentage (%) |
CPT December 2015 | 99,077 | 34,129 | 34.45% |
CPT June 2016 | 1,07,058 | 41,727 | 38.98% |
CPT December 2016 | 70,321 | 32,658 | 46.44% |
CPT June 2017 | 88,916 | 36,028 | 40.52% |
CPT Dec 2017 |
60586 | 23034 | 38.02% |
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CA Final Nov 2017 Pass Percentage
Appeared | Passed | Pass % | |
Group 1 | 39328 | 6257 | 15.91% |
Group 2 | 39753 | 6006 | 15.11% |
Both Group | 30054 | 6841 | 22.76% |
Total qualified CA – 9479
CA Final May 2017 Exam Result Analysis
Group | Total number of Candidates Appeared | Total number of Candidates Passed | Pass Percentages |
Both Group | 34,503 | 7,928 | 22.98% |
Group-I | 41,373 | 5717 | 13.82% |
Group-II | 38,478 | 6,234 | 16.20% |
Analysis of Pass Percentage from CA Final Previous Results
Attempt | Group 1 | Group 2 |
May 2016 | 18.21% | 18.78% |
Nov 2015 | 12.61% | 11.99% |
May 2015 | 16.54% | 11.41% |
Nov 2014 | 23.41% | 10.26% |
May 2014 | 7.29% | 13.50% |
Nov 2013 | 5.67% | 7.35% |
May 2013 | 13.79% | 18.65% |
Nov 2012 | 12.97% | 27.30% |
May 2012 | 25.32% | 29.62% |
Nov 2011 | 25.54% | 27.81% |
May 2011 | 36.34% | 26.67% |
Nov 2010 | 29.64% | 19.31% |
May 2010 | 14.45% | 9.62% |
Nov 2009 | 19.87% | 10.11% |
June 2009 | 32.32% | 15.03% |
Nov 2008 | 27.82% | 24.15% |
May 2008 | 36.71% | 28.31% |
Information Systems Audit [ISA] Assessment Test – Merit List
The merit list of ISA Assessment test held in December 2018 is also shared by ICAI. The first rank is shared by Kapil Kapoor and Payal Modani, who score total 164 marks. The second rank is also shared by two candidate, who score 163 marks and third rank holder score 161 marks. Please have the top 3 rankers list
- MITALI MODI – Rank 2
- ARPIT JAIN – Rank 2
READ MORE: ICAI Four Weeks Residential Programme On Professional Skills Development For CAs
CA Final Nov. and CA Foundation Dec 2018 result verification
If you are not satisfied by the result, or the result outcome is not as per your expectation, the candidates can apply for the marks verification. The candidates should apply for the marks verification only in the condition when they are hoping of getting more marks.
A candidate can apply for verification, within a month from the date of declaration of the results , giving specific and requisite details and the pay the applicable fees.
AfterGraduation congratulates to qualifiers of the ISAAT (held on December 22, 2018), CPT, Foundation and CA Final (Old and New Scheme) examinations. The qualifiers of CA Final examination will be certified as proper Chartered Accountant (CA). Whereas, the qualifiers of CPT and CA Foundation examination will move forward for their CA dream by applying for the further level of training and Intermediate course (IPCC).
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