The ICSI (Institute of Company Secretaries of India) has introduced a Compulsory Pre-Examination test for CS Executive programme (New Syllabus 2017) Students from this Dec 2018 Examination Session. Students need to clear this pre-examination test to appear for the CS Executive Exams. The Pre-Examination Test for CS Executive Programme is required to be successfully Cleared before seeking enrolment to December 2018 CS Executive Programme Examinations.
Students who are eligible and need to appear for this Pre-Examination Test for CS Executive programme are:
1. Students who have registered on or after March 01, 2018 to Executive Programme New Syllabus 2017; and
2. Students who switch over from Old Syllabus to New Syllabus 2017 of Executive Programme.
The Pre-Examination Test is a part of comprehensive e-learning project of the Institute for the students. Students, belonging to the above-mentioned categories, who fail to clear the Pre-Examination Test shall NOT be eligible for seeking enrolment to the CS December 2018 Executive Programme (New Syllabus 2017) examinations.
The aforesaid categories of students have to pay a one-time fee of Rs. 1000/- as a registration fee for Pre-Examination test.
Students have to clear the Pre-Examination Tests of all the subjects covered under the respective Module in which they are desirous of seeking enrolment during the December 2018 Examinations.
READ Too: ICSI Invites Application For CRC Executives, Career Opportunities For Young Company Secretaries
Exemption from CS Pre-Examination Test
ICSI also exempted the students based on their Class Room Teaching performance. Students who are passing the tests conducted as part of Class Room Teaching batches conducted by the Institute’s Regional and Chapter Offices are exempted from taking the Pre-Examination Test of the respective subjects/ modules.
Process for Completing Pre-Examination Test
Eligible Students should read the complete process of the Pre-Examination Test as listed below :
1. Students who have registered before June 04, 2018 & not yet remitted the Pre-Exam Test Fee and students switching over from Old Syllabus to the Executive New Syllabus 2017 should pay the fee of Rs.1000/-. Students to use this link to pay the Pre-Examination registration Fee.
2. After payment of the fee, within a week’s time, the e-learning module credentials shall be shared with the students on student’s registered e-mail.
How to Take Pre-Examination Test for CS Executive Programme?
We are mentioning in detail as given below, the process to take Pre-Examination Test on the e-learning module. Follow the below steps to attempt Online Pre-Examination Test-
1. Login the ICSI Elearning portal using your credentials. Please note, your Login credentials i.e Login Id and password would be intimated to you once you pay the requisite fee of Rs 1000/-.
2. Click on My Course of the Elearning Portal.
3. After Clicking on My Courses, all the courses in which you are enrolled will display on the screen. You can select and click the Online Pre Examination Test Executive Module -1 from the list of courses.
4. Upon Launching, Pre Examination Guidelines page will open, please read guidelines carefully.
5. After reading Guidelines, Please click on Assessment Tab, which is given just below the paper name.
6. After Clicking on Assessment, Please click on launch assessment button.
7. After clicking on Launch Assessment, an instruction page will open. Please read these instructions carefully. After reading instruction, please tick the checkbox displaying (I have read and understood the instructions and agree to adhere to them) and then click on “I am ready to begin button”.
8. Assessment will start just after you click on this button.
READ ALSO: ICSI New Syllabus For CS Executive And Professional Programmes
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