ICSI planned to have a Placement Drive 2020 at its regional offices in January-February 2020 month for the qualified Company Secretaries.
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ICSI Mega Placement Drive 2019 For Company Secretaries

The ICSI (Institute of Company Secretaries of India) has declared the month of May & November has placement month and decided to dedicate its energies this year towards supporting the new members, the Company Secretaries by providing a suitable platform to find appropriate employment opportunities. Accordingly, ICSI planned to have a Mega Placement Drive 2019 at its regional offices in May 2019 month.

ICSI has declared Mega Placement Drive 2019 in a planned and coordinated manner for recruitment of Company Secretary in various corporates and firms. The ICSI Headquarter, Regional Council, and Chapters shall put their best efforts to ensure mass placement of the newly inducted members with best Job Profiles & with maximum possible packages.

The qualified CS (Company Secretaries) who got their ACS membership on or after January 01, 2018, are eligible to participate in this ICSI Mega Placement Drive 2019.

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ICSI Mega Placement Drive 2019 Schedule

The Schedule of the ICSI Mega Placement Drive 2019 in various regions are as under:

SIRO (Southern India Regional Office)

Day and Date of Interview: Saturday, May 18, 2019

Address: ICSI Southern India Regional Office No.9, Wheat Crofts Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai 600034

Placement Co-ordinator: Ms Sara Arokiaswamy, Regional Director-SIRC,

Mr C.Murugan, Senior Executive Assistant

Ph: 044-28279898 / 28268685, M: 9443796311, Email: chelliah.murugan@icsi.edu, siro@icsi.edu

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WIRO (Western India Regional Office)

Day and Date of Interview: Saturday, May 04, 2019

Address: ICSI Western India Regional Office, Jolly Maker Chambers No. II, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400021

Placement Co-ordinator: Dr Rajesh Kumar Agrawal, Regional Director – WIRC,

Ms Archana K Sawant, Executive Admin

Ph: 022- 61307923 / 61307915, Email: archana.sawant@icsi.edu; wiro@icsi.edu ]

NIRO (Northern India Regional Office)

Date of Interview: Friday, May 17, 2019

Address: ICSI-NIRC Building, Plot No. 4, Prasad Nagar Institutional Area, New Delhi-110 005

Placement Co-ordinator: Mr K.C. Kaushik, Regional Director- NIRC

Mr Himanshu Sharma, Executive Admin

Ph: 011-49343000/49343007; M: 9810867263, Email: niro@icsi.edu, himanshu.sharma@icsi.edu]

EIRO (Eastern India Regional Office)

Day and Date of Interview: Saturday, May 18, 2019

Address: ICSI-Eastern India Regional Office, 3A, Ahiripukur, 1st Lane Kolkata- 700019

Placement Co-ordinator: Mr DVNS Sarma, Regional Director- EIRC

Mr Tamal Tar, Assistant Director

Ph: 033-40234444/22832973, M: 9051258797; Email: eiro@icsi.edu, tamal.tar@icsi.edu]

ALSO READ: ICSI To Launch Placement Portal For Company Secretaries


  • The Members have got their membership between January 01, 2018, till April 30, 2019, are only eligible to participate in the ICSI Mega Placement Drive 2019.
  • The members interested to take part in the ICSI Mega Placement drive 2019 need to apply online to the institute through the link- 
  • If the numbers of applications are more, the applications need to be scrutinized and only shortlisted candidates shall be called for taking part in the Placement drive.
  • The shortlisted candidates are required to report to the placement venue sharp at 8:30 am on the date of placement drive.
  • They will be provided with the Interview skill development Module (ISDM) and group discussion to be followed by the placement drive. The session will be taken by the professional Corporate trainerSenior HR Personnel/ Senior Company secretaries having adequate experiences to motivate and inspiring the young members regarding how to face the interview.
  • All participating candidates need to carry their relevant educational (academic) documents and experience certificates if any.
  • All participating candidates need to be dressed in smart formals both for the interview and Pre-Interview training session.
  • For further details and queries, the candidates can get in touch with their respective Regional Offices.
  • Exact venue of the Placement Drive shall be communicated to the eligible candidates directly.
  • Any member without prior registration will not be eligible to participate in this Placement Drive 2019.
  • The candidates are required to pay the registration fee of Rs. 500/- (REFUNDABLE) to take part in the placement drive. The same amount shall be refunded to only those candidates, who will participate in the drive. However, for others the amount shall not be refunded on any ground whatsoever may be.

READ ALSO: ICSI Open Book Examination Pattern For Professional Programme

Wishing all the aspirants of the ICSI Mega Placement Drive 2019 for the better Career Opportunities. Please post your Queries or Comments regarding “ICSI Mega Placement Drive 2019” on our AfterGraduation Forum or in the below comment box.

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