ICSI Released CS Examinations Dec 2018 Schedule for Foundation, Executive and Professional Programme
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ICSI Released CS Examinations Dec 2018 Schedule for Foundation, Executive and Professional Programme

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has released the timetable and schedule for CS Examinations Dec 2018 – Foundation, Executive (Old and New Syllabus) and Professional programme. The ICSI awards the certificate of bestowing the designation of Company Secretary (CS) to a candidate qualifying for the membership of the Institute.

Admission to the CS Course is open throughout the year. Examinations for CS course held twice a year in June & December month. To qualify for the CS certificate, one has to pass through 3 stages of CS namely CS FoundationCS Executive & CS Professional programme. CS foundation programme is computer-based examination while Executive and Professional programmes are pen paper based.

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ICSI has announced the timetable for Company Secretaries, CS Examinations Dec 2018 attempt for Foundation, the Executive (Old and New Syllabus) and the Professional programme as below.

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CS Foundation Programme [Syllabus 2017] Dec 2018 Time-Table

Day and Date of Examination Subjects Batch No. Examination Timings
Saturday, Dec 29, 2018 Paper – 1 Business Environment and Law I 9:30 A.M.  to 11:00 A.M.
II 12:00 Noon to 1:30 P.M.
Paper – 2 Business Management, Ethics and Entrepreneurship III 2:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M
IV 5:00 P.M. to 6:30 P.M.
Sunday, Dec 30, 2018 Paper – 3 Business Economics I 9:30 A.M.  to 11:00 A.M.
II 12:00 Noon to 1:30 P.M.
Paper – 4 Fundamentals of Accounting and Auditing III 2:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M
IV 5:00 P.M. to 6:30 P.M.

READ Too: ICSI New Syllabus For CS Executive And Professional Programmes

CS Foundation Registration Last Dates

CS Foundation Registration is open throughout the year. Candidates registered up to and including the month of March are eligible to take Foundation examination earliest in December in the same year and those registered up to and including September can take up the examination in June next year subject to satisfactory completion of coaching. So, if you want to write CS Foundation exam in Dec 2018, you should register before 31st March 2018 and for  CS Foundation exam in June 2019, you should register before 30th September  2018.

Eligibility for CS Foundation

  • Candidates who have passed Senior Secondary (10+2 or equivalent) examination of a Board/University constituted by law in India or any examination recognized by the Central Government as equivalent thereto can join the CS Foundation Programme.
  • There is no minimum requirement of percentage of marks secured at Senior Secondary (10+2 or equivalent) examination.

CS Executive Programme Dec 2018 (Old Syllabus) Time-Table

Date and Day Subject
20.12.2018 Thursday Cost and Management Accounting (Module-I)* OMR Based
21.12.2018 Friday Tax Laws and Practice (Module-I)* OMR Based
22.12.2018 Saturday Industrial, Labour and General Laws (Module-II)* OMR Based
23.12.2018 Sunday NO EXAMINATION 
24.12.2018 Monday Company Law (Module-I)
25.12.2018 Tuesday NO EXAMINATION 
26.12.2018 Wednesday Economic and Commercial Laws (Module-I)
27.12.2018 Thursday Company Accounts and Auditing Practices (Module-II)
28.12.2018 Friday Capital Markets and Securities Laws (Module-II)

*(Examination for three papers, i.e., (i) Cost and Management Accounting; (ii) Tax Laws and Practice; and (iii) Industrial, Labour and General Laws be held in OMR Mode on 20th, 21st and 22nd December 2018 respectively)

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ALSO READ: ICSI Announces Launch Of 100% Fees Refund Scheme For Students

CS Executive Programme Dec 2018 (New Syllabus) Time-Table

Date and Day Subject
20.12.2018 Thursday Jurisprudence, Interpretation and General Laws (Module-I)
21.12.2018 Friday Company Law (Module-I)
22.12.2018 Saturday Setting up of Business Entities and Closure (Module-I)
23.12.2018 Sunday NO EXAMINATION 
24.12.2018 Monday Tax Laws (Module-I)
25.12.2018 Tuesday NO EXAMINATION 
26.12.2018 Wednesday Corporate and Management Accounting (Module-II)
27.12.2018 Thursday Securities Laws and Capital Markets (Module-II)
28.12.2018 Friday Economic, Business and Commercial Laws (Module-II)
29.12.2018 Saturday Financial and Strategic Management (Module-II)


Eligibility to Appear for CS Executive Examination

  • A candidate will be admitted to the Executive Programme Examination if the aspirant has registered as a student at least nine calendar months prior to the month in which the examination commences.
  • A candidate registered as a student at least six calendar months prior to the month in which the examination commences may be allowed to appear in one module of the Executive Programme examination. That is to say, a candidates registered as a student up to and including the month of May in a year will be eligible for appearing in any one module in the December examination and the one who is registered up to and including in the month of November in a year will be eligible to appear in any one module of Executive Programme examination to be held in the month of June next year.
  • Aspirant Student has satisfactorily undergone a course of postal or oral tuition for the module(s) to which he/she intends to appear in the examination.
  • A student has successfully completed the Student Induction Program (SIP).
  • A student has successfully completed computer training programme as may be specified from time to time by the Council and in the manner so specified or exempted therefrom.

Last Dates to Apply For CS Executive Examination

28th February – for appearing in both modules in December Exams in the same year  year

31st May – for appearing in a single module in December Examination in the same year

31st August – for appearing in both modules in June Exam in the next year

30th November – for appearing in a single module in June Examination in the next year.

READ More: ICSI Extends Fee Waiver Scheme For The North Eastern And Jammu & Kashmir Students

CS Professional Programme December 2018 Examination Time-Table

Date and Day Subjects
20.12.2018 Thursday Advanced Company Law and Practice (Module – I)
21.12.2018 Friday Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management and Due Diligence (Module – I)
22.12.2018 Saturday Corporate Restructuring, Valuation and Insolvency (Module – I)
23.12.2018 Sunday NO EXAMINATION
24.12.2018 Monday Information Technology and Systems Audit (Module – II)
25.12.2018 Tuesday NO EXAMINATION
26.12.2018 Wednesday Financial, Treasury and Forex Management (Module – II)
27.12.2018 Thursday Ethics, Governance and Sustainability (Module – II)
28.12.2018 Friday Advanced Tax Laws and Practice (Module – III)
29.12.2018 Saturday Drafting, Appearances and Pleadings (Module – III)
30.12.2018 Sunday Elective: 1 out of below 5 subjects

(Module – III)

(i) Banking Law and Practice

(ii) Capital, Commodity and Money Market

(iii) Insurance Law and Practice

(iv) Intellectual Property Rights – Law and Practice

(v) International Business-Laws and Practices


Professional Programme can be pursued only after clearing the Executive Programme of CS Course.

Last Date for CS Professional Programme Examination Registration

CS Professional Registration is open throughout the year. A student is admitted to the Professional examination only after a minimum period of nine calendar months has elapsed since his passing the Executive examination.

Attempt Module Last Date For CS Professional Registration
Dec 2018 All Modules 28th February 2018
Dec 2018 One Module 31st May 2018
June 2019 All Modules 31st August 2018
June 2019 One Module 30th November 2018

READ MORE: ICSI Launched Unique Initiative “Shaheed Ki Beti”

If you have any queries or comments regarding “ICSI Released CS Examinations Dec 2018 Schedule for Foundation, Executive (Old and New Syllabus) and Professional Programme”, please post on AfterGraduation Forum or in the below comment box. All the best to CS Aspirants to plan your study in an efficient way and be successful in your goal.

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