UPSC IES 2019 admit card: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) released the e-admit card for the Indian Engineering Services (IES) Mains Exam 2019, scheduled to be conducted on June 30, 2019 (Sunday)
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IES 2019 Admit Card Released, UPSC Exam on June 30

UPSC IES 2019 Admit Card: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the e-admit card for the Indian Engineering Services (IES) Mains exam 2019, scheduled to be conducted on June 30, 2019 (Sunday). The UPSC Engineering Services Mains exam 2019 admit card can be downloaded from the UPSC official website.

The candidates who have declared successful in the IES prelims 2019 exam, conducted on Jan 6, 2019, can download their admit card from the official recruitment portal of the UPSC. The UPSC engineering services mains admit card will remain available for candidates to download till June 30, 2019.

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Any Candidate will not be allowed to appear for the exam without a valid admit card. The exam will be conducted in two shifts – the morning shift will begin from 9:00 am to noon and the afternoon shift will be conducted from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

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How to Download UPSC IES 2019 Admit Card?

Step 1: Visit the official website of UPSC.

Step 2: Click on ‘UPSC e-admit card Engineering Services Main 2019’ under ‘whats’ news’. A new webpage will be open.

Step 3: Step 4: Click on ‘click here’ to download e-Admit Card. Direct Link to Access IES Mains 2019 E-Admit Card.

Step 4: Click on ‘proceed’.

Step 5: Read the Important Instructions and Proceed further with ‘YES’ clicked.

Step 6: Select the Option and Fill the information (Registration Id, DOB and captcha) and click submit.

Step 7: Admit card will appear, download it.

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Candidates downloading UPSC Engineering Services (IES) Main Exam Admit Card 2019 will be able to check their roll number, exam city and exam centre through the hall ticket.

Commission shares the instructions for the candidates downloading the UPSC IES Main Admit Card 2019, to check the e-Admit Card carefully and bring discrepancies, if any, to the notice of UPSC immediately.

The UPSC IES Mains 2019 will be conducted for a three-hours duration. The mains exam is divided into two papers (paper I and paper II) for all four streams – Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical and Telecom engineering.

According to the official notification, Candidates need to bring the UPSC IES 2019 Admit card print out along with an original photo identity card, whose number is mentioned in the admit card in each session to secure admission to the examination hall. UPSC instructions issued to candidates also said that the IES admit card 2019 “must be preserved till the declaration of the final result”.

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Wishing all the aspirants of the Engineering Services Exam 2019 to burn their midnight oils to crack the UPSC recruitment test 2019. Have any feedback or queries regarding “UPSC Engineering Services Exam 2019”, you can post and discuss with us via the AfterGraduation Forum or in below comment box and we would be happy to help you.

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