ME/MTech Preparation & Admission Science and Technology

IIT Patna : MTech 2017 Eligibility Criteria, Admission Details

Online application for M.Tech 2017 Admission in IIT Patna for various stream will be available from April second week, 2017. Candidates need to send printout of application form to the IIT along with demand draft of application fees. Aspirants seeking admissions to postgraduate engineering programmes must have GATE valid Score. AfterGraduation have provided following details including eligibility criteria, application procedure, important dates and other information for IIT Patna MTech 2017 Admission in this article.

The Indian Institute of Technology Patna (IIT Patna or IITP) is an autonomous institute of education and research in science, engineering and technology, recognized as an Institute of National Importance by the Government of India. IIT Patna is part of National Knowledge Network (NKN) which provides a high speed core networking for all the knowledge related institutions in India to integrate seamlessly all of the scientific community of India.

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Eligibility Criteria

  • A minimum of 60% marks or a CGPA of 6.0 in 10 point scale (55% marks or a CGPA of 5.5 in 10 point scale for SC/ST) is a must.
  • Candidates must have a GATE valid score.
  • Final year candidates can apply provided if they fulfill all the requirements by July 2017.
  • B.Tech students from an IIT, if not appeared for GATE, along with a minimum CPI of 8.0 need .

IIT Patna MTech Departments-

S.No. Department Detailed Eligibility Criteria
1. Mechatronics Candidates must have passed B.Tech./B.E. degree in Mechanical/ Production/ Aerospace/ Electrical/ Electronics & Communication/ Instrumentation Engineering or MSc in Electronics and Instrumentation.

Candidates must have a valid GATE score in ME, PI, AE, EE, EC, IN, PH, XE.

2. Mathematics & Computing Candidates must have passed MSc in Mathematics or B.Tech./B.E. degree in Electrical/ Electronic/ Computer Science/ Mechanical/ Civil/ IT/ Aerospace/ Instrumentation Engineering or Equivalent.

Candidates must have a valid GATE score in MA, EE, EC,CS, ME, CE, AE, IN.

3. Nanoscience & Technology Candidates must have passed MSc/Equivalent in [Nanoscience, Chemistry (Pure/Applied), Physics, Applied Physics/Solid State Physics/ Engineering Physics/ Biophysics/ Polymer Science/ Material Science]


B.Tech./Equivalent degree in [Engineering Physics/Polymer Engineering/ Materials & Metallurgical/ Materials/ Mechanical/ Electronics & Communication/ Electrical Engineering]

Candidates must have a valid GATE score in CY, PH, MT, ME, EC, EE, XE (with Material Science or Polymer Science & Engineering)

4. Computer Science & Engineering Candidates must have passed B.Tech./B.E. degree in Computer Science/Information Technology.

Candidates must also have a valid GATE score in CS.

5. Communication System Engineering Candidates must have passed a B.Tech./B.E. degree in Electrical Engineering/ Electronics & Communication.

Candidates must have a valid GATE score in EC.

6. Mechanical Engineering Candidates must have passed B.Tech./B.E. in Aerospace, Aeronautical, Automobile, Production, Manufacturing or Mechanical Engineering

They must have a valid GATE score in AE, ME and PI.

7. Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Candidates must have passed B.Tech/B.E. degree or equivalent in Civil, Infrastructure, Construction, Mechanical, Electrical Engineering

They must have a valid GATE score in CE, ME, EE.

8. Materials Science & Engineering Candidates must have passed B.Tech./B.E. degree in Materials, Metallurgical & Materials, Chemical, Ceramics, Polymer/Rubber, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics or MSc/Equivalent  in Physics, Applied Physics, Chemistry, Applied Chemistry.

They must have a valid GATE score in paper MT, CH, ME, EE, EC, XE (with Materials Science or Polymer Science and Engineering or Solid Mechanics or Thermodynamics).

IIT Patna is the first IIT to start a M.Tech program in the aforementioned Nanotechnology. 

Important Dates

S.No. Event Date
1. Start of online application form 2nd week of April 2017
2. Last date for submitting application form 4th week of April 2017
3. Last date for receipt of hard copy of application form 1st week of May 2017
4. Interview May 2017

Selection Procedure

Admission to M.tech is through GATE after which an interview is held to screen the shortlisted candidates. Sponsored Candidates are not required to appear in GATE and are directly called for interview on applying for admission to M.Tech Program (if shortlisted).

READ Too- IIT Ropar : MTech, MS 2017 Eligibility Criteria, Admission Details

Application Procedure

Candidates applying for more than one specialization are required to send separate application forms.

Application Fees: Rs.300 (Rs.150 for SC/ST/Female candidates)

Payment Mode: Online

How to Apply ?

  • Aspirants required to enter their personal & academic details along with any additional qualifying exam (GATE details). Those with professional experience must also enter the details.
  • A recent passport size photograph in .jpg, .png, .jpeg in a file size not more than 500KB has to be uploaded.
  • After submission of the application form, Applicants have to pay application fees online and print a copy of transaction.
  • Online application generated after submission has to be printed and duly signed by the candidates.
  • The application form, specified copies of certificates, self-attested testimonial and fee payment e-receipt must be placed in an envelope superscribed with Application for M.Tech. admission in “Name of the specialization” and sent to IITP.


AfterGraduation will provide more details as soon as any official notification is made on Admission.

(Image Source: IIT Patna)

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