ME/MTech MS Preparation & Admission Science and Technology

IIT Ropar : MTech, MS 2017 Eligibility Criteria, Admission Details

Online application for M.Tech 2017 Admission in IIT Ropar will be available from March fourth week to April third week, 2017. IIT Ropar also offers M.S by Research programmes in Computer Science Engineering and Electrical Engineering. Aspirants seeking admissions to postgraduate engineering programmes must have GATE valid Score. AfterGraduation have provided following details including eligibility criteria, application procedure, important dates and other information for IIT Ropar MTech 2017 Admission in this article.

PG Programmes Offered At IIT Ropar

  • M.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering
  • MS in Computer Science Engineering
  • MS in Electrical Engineering

Eligibility Criteria

Branch Degree Eligibility Criteria
Mechanical Engineering M.Tech B.Tech/B.E with a valid GATE score
Computer Science & Engineering M.S. (Research) B.Tech/B.E/M.Sc/MCA in Computer science and allied branches with valid a GATE score
Electrical Engineering M.S. (Research) Candidates must have a minimum Grade Point Average of 6.5/10 or 60% of marks in Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)/Electronics Engineering(Electronics & Communication Engineering/Computer Science & Engineering or equivalent with valid GATE score.


M.Sc with specialization in Electronics, Condensed Matter or equivalent with minimum Grade Point Average of 6.5/10 or 60% of marks and a valid GATE score


IIT B.Tech degree holders with a minimum CGPA score of 8.0/10 [SC/ST : 7.5 CGPA] are also eligible to apply even without GATE score

Selection Procedure

Candidates will be selected on their GATE 2017 Score. The Shortlisted candidates will have to appear for an interview. Some applicants may also have to appear for a written test.

Application Procedure


  • Candidates required to register online with a  preferred user name and a valid email ID. After successful registration, they will receive a confirmation mail.
  • Validate the link sent on your email id and enter a password of their choice.
  • After this proceed further to fill the application form.

How to apply?

  • Aspirants required to enter their personal & academic details along with any additional qualifying exam (GATE details). Those with professional experience must also enter the details.
  • A recent passport size photograph in .jpg, .png, .jpeg in a file size not more than 2 MB need to uploaded. Dimensions of the photo must be 150 X 130. (height * width in pixels)
  • After submission of the application form, candidate should take the its printout.
  • No documents should be sent to IIT Ropar.

ALSO READ: Postgraduate Degree, MTech Admissions 2017 In IITs

Below documents along with application form to be uploaded

  • Resume
  • Self-attested copies of qualifying exam (degree) – all semester-wise mark sheet/grade cards
  • Self-attested copy of GATE Score Card
  • List of research/publications/patent if published any

Note: The files must be in compressed format in .rar, .zip, .pdf or .docx format.

Important Dates For MTech Admission

S.No. Event Date
1. Availability of application form 4th week of March 2017
2. Last date for application for MS by research 3rd week of April 2017
3. Last date for application 3rd week of April 2017
4. Shortlisting of candidates June 2017

AfterGraduation will provide more details as soon as any official notification is made on Admission.

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