Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India ICWAI CMA, CMA Foundation Dec 2017 Exam Time Table and Other Details
CMA / CWA Commerce

ICAI ICMAI Dec 2016 Foundation and Intermediate Results Declared

The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI) [previously known as the Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India (ICWAI)] , is a Statutory body under an Act of Parliament, has published the results of ICMAI Foundation December 2016 Term Examination, Intermediate December 2016 Term Examination and Final December 2016 Term Examination on the official results website of ICAI.

Result for December 2016 Term of examination is available at the following servers: and “As announced by CMA Manas Kumar Thakur, President of the ICAI, the pass percentage for Intermediate and Final under 2012 syllabus is 9.09% and 12.71% respectively”.


The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI) is a premier statutory professional accountancy body in India with the objects of promoting, regulating and developing the profession of Cost Accountancy. It is the only licensing cum regulating body of Cost & Management Accountancy profession in India. It recommends the Cost Accounting Standards to be followed by companies in India to which statutory maintenance of cost records applicable.

ICAI is solely responsible for setting the auditing and assurance standards for statutory Cost Audit to be followed in the Audit of Cost statements in India. It also issues other technical guidelines on several aspects like Internal Audit, Management Accounting etc. to be followed by practising Cost Accountants while discharging their services.  It works closely with the industries, various departments of Government of India, State governments in India and other Regulating Authorities in India e.g. Reserve Bank of India, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority, Securities and Exchange Board of India etc. on several aspects of performance, cost optimisation and reporting.

The headquarters of ICAI is situated in Kolkata, and operates through its four regional councils located at Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi and Mumbai, 94 chapters in India and 78 chapters abroad.

READ Too: Reasons To Aim For Chartered Accountant Career

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Cost & Management Accountants (CMAs) is the primary qualification of the ICAI and following completion of up to three levels (Foundation, Intermediate and Final) examinations and three years of practical training in areas like Management Accounting, Cost Accounting, Financial Accounting, Taxation, Audits, Corporate Laws etc. enables an individual to become a Cost & Management Accountant.

How To check ICAI ICMAI December 2016 Term Results: 

Follow these steps to check your results;
Step 1:
Go to any of these websites; http://www.examicai.in
Step 2:
Click on “Check your result online” given below to these results of your choice: Foundation Result December 2016 Term Examination, Intermediate Result December 2016 Term Examination and Final Result December 2016 Term Examination
Step 3:
Enter your registration number in the next window
Step 4:
Check your results

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