This is the high time for the Students preparing for CS Foundation programme June 2019 exam. This is the crucial time For CS Foundation June 2019 Examinees to burn the midnight oil for the Exams, as hard work, dedication and preparation always payback. ICSI has shared the Instructions to Examinees for CS Foundation June 2019 Examination, a Computer Based Examination, scheduled to be held on June 08 and 09, 2019.
The computer-based Examination for CS Foundation programme June 2019 will be held as per timings mentioned on admit card. AfterGraduation shared the important Instructions For Students to be followed while appearing for the CS Foundation examination.
Instructions To Examinees For CS Foundation June 2019 Exam
General Instructions For CS Foundation Examinees
- Just after taking the print out, Verify all the details mentioned on the admit card. The details of Examinees
Name, Photograph, Signature, Registration Number, Address, Examination Centre (Name, Address, Code, etc.), Date and Timings of Examination etc to be checked. In case of any discrepancy, the same may please be brought to the notice of the Institute immediately through at ICSI support portal.
- Candidates are required to carry with them (i) Admit Card and (ii) Student Identity Card to the Examination Centre in every session for admission to the examination centre.
- Candidates are advised to ensure that they are in possession of a valid Identity Card or any other Photo ID Card issued by the Government Departments.
- Students admitted to CS Foundation programme provisionally are required to regularize their admission to appear for the Examinations. Student can regularize their admission by submitting proof of passing 10+2 Examinations within six months from the date of registration.
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- Students must take care of timings to report at the Examination Hall. No candidate shall be allowed to enter the Examination Hall after the completion of 15 minutes of the start of the examination and no candidate shall be permitted to leave the Examination Hall only after the expiry of 45 minutes of the commencement of the examination.
- Candidates must sign the Attendance Sheet on each day of the examination for which they are appearing. Without signing the Attendance Sheet, if a candidate leaves the Examination Hall, then it shall be treated as absent.
- Every candidate is compulsorily required to appear in all the subjects /Paper(s) for which he/she has enrolled. In case any candidate remains absent in any subject(s)/Paper(s) due to any reason, whatsoever, he/she shall be summarily declared fail. However, in case a candidate who has been granted exemption in any one subject i.e., Paper 1 or 2 (on the first day i.e. June 8, 2019) or Paper 3 or 4 (on the second day i.e. June 9, 2019) as the case may be, he/she is required to answer only those questions in the relevant subject (Paper) in which he/she is enrolled and can leave the examination hall as per above-mentioned instruction, after submitting the Exam by clicking the “Finish” button.
- Candidates are allowed to use their own noiseless, battery operated and cordless pocket calculator with not more than 6 functions, 12 digits, and 2 memories. Other than this, no other type of calculators shall be permitted in the examination.
CS Foundation June 2019 Examination Pattern
- In each paper, there will be 50 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) of 2 marks each in each paper and the candidates shall be given 1 hour 30 minutes for appearing in both papers on each day (in case of exemption in one of the paper – 45 minutes shall be given).
- Except for Business Management, Ethics and Entrepreneurship (BMEE) paper, all other question papers will be displayed both in English and Hindi language. BMEE paper will be displayed in English only. In case of any doubt or discrepancy in the Hindi language, the English version of the questions shall prevail.
- At a time, only one question will be shown on the Exam Window. Candidates can answer the examination paper in any order and can navigate between questions either by clicking on ”Previous”/“Next” button or by directly clicking on the question numbers which are displayed in the Paper-wise Summary panel available on the left side of the Exam Window.
- Candidates for passing the CS Foundation Programme Examination, are required to secure a minimum of 40% marks in each paper (Paper- 1, Paper-2, Paper-3 and Paper-4) separately as the case may be, and 50% marks in aggregate of all papers. There will be no negative marking for an incorrect response.
- For carrying out rough work, calculations, etc. during the examination, a Rough Sheet will be provided to the candidates. Candidates need to mention their Name, Roll Number, Registration Number, Exam Date and Batch Time on that Rough Sheet also, which needs to be returned to the Invigilator before leaving the Examination hall.
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Operating Instructions for CBE
- Upon Invigilator’s instruction, click on the “APPEAR” button on the test window to access the Instruction Sheet. In case of any doubt or query about the functioning of the Exam Window, candidates may seek advice/guidance from the Invigilator on duty before the commencement of examination only.
- Do not close the Exam Window or try to restart the system at the Examination Centre without informing the invigilator.
- Each question is followed by four alternative answers marked as A, B, C and D. The candidate shall choose the most appropriate answer and mark the same through the click of mouse against the appropriate answer. The chosen answer will be highlighted and will automatically be saved.
- The examination shall not re-start once the “FINISH” button is clicked. So, Candidates shall check that all the questions,i.e., 100 questions for both the papers (50 questions in case of exemption in one paper) of their examination are attempted positively, as there is no negative marking.
- A countdown clock will start on the beginning of the examination and the same will be displayed in the top right-hand corner of the Exam Window to display the remaining time available to a candidate for the Examination.
- If a candidate wishes to review or revisit the question later, they can use the “Bookmark” option by clicking on “BOOKMARK” button.
- On the Summary Panel, every question will be marked with a different colour. Question answered by the candidate will be displayed in GREEN colour. The questions that are not attempted and not bookmarked for review will be displayed without any colour. Questions Attempted and Bookmarked for review will be highlighted in RED colour and those which are not attempted but Bookmarked for Review will be displayed in YELLOW colour.
- After completion of the examination, candidates can click the “DONE” button followed by three warnings with “FINISH” button to submit the examination. After the conclusion of examination timing, the system will automatically save, finish and submit the examination response.
- A “Thank you” message will appear confirming the completion, finishing, and submission of the examination.
- Candidates should strictly follow the various written/ verbal Instructions To Examinees For CS Foundation and maintain discipline in the Examination Hall/ Room/ Lab.
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Infringement of any of these above-mentioned ICSI (Institute of Company Secretaries of India) instructions may render the candidates liable for disciplinary action which could lead to cancellation of results of the examination and/or student-ship registration.
Wishing all CS Foundation June 2019 Examinations aspirants to crack the Company Secretary Programs Examinations. Please post your Queries or Comments regarding ICSI Instructions To Examinees For CS Foundation June 2019 exams, in the below comment box.
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