JoSAA 2018 Registration and Counselling for Admission to IITs, IIITs, NITs and GFTIs
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JoSAA 2018 Registration and Counselling for Admission to IITs, IIITs, NITs and GFTIs

Joint Seat Allocation Authority JoSAA 2018 has announced that registrations for counselling for admission to 100 participating colleges (23 IITs, 31 NITs, 23 IIITs and 23 Other-GFTIs) will start from June 15, 2018, onwards. All the candidates who have qualified JEE Advanced, are eligible to register and fill their choice for seat allocation in all participating Institutes. JEE 2018 Advanced results have been declared on June 10, 2018.

The last date to register and fill their choices of college and courses is June 25, 2018. Seven rounds of JoSAA counselling 2018 will be conducted where the eligible candidates will be allotted seats according to their merit and preferences. JEE 2018 Main qualified Students are eligible for admissions into 31, NITs, 23 IIITs and 23 GFTIs while JEE Advanced candidates are able to apply for admissions into JoSAA 2018 participating all institutes including 23 IITs.

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IIT Kanpur has announced that 291 seats have been increased across the IITs. The total number of seats now available through JEE Advanced 2018 is 11279. This year as per the directives of the MHRD, Government of India, 800 supernumerary seats have also been created specifically for female candidates in the IITs .

During the registration and choice filling of JoSAA 2018, the candidates will have to submit their JEE Main/Advanced roll number and password to be registered for the admission process. JEE Mains/Advanced password can be used for those candidates who have qualified the exam. After registration, the candidates will have to select their choice of B.Tech course and participating institute.

The candidates are advised to read all the details before filling the JoSAA 2018 registration and choice filling online form, as an allocation of seats will be done according to the candidates’ preference and eligibility.

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The result of JoSAA 2018 counselling will be announced in online mode. The allotted candidates will have to verify their documents at the reporting centres. Read the full article to know more information about JoSAA 2018 Registration and Choice Filling.

Important Dates of JoSAA 2018 Registration and Choice Filling

S.No Events Important Dates
1 JEE Main 2018 AIRs declared by Joint Apex Board April 30, 2018
2 JoSAA 2018 Registration and Choice Filling Commences June 15, 2018
3 Round 1 of Mock Allotment June 19, 2018
4 Round 2 of Mock Allotment June 24, 2018
5 End of Registration and Choice Filling June 25, 2018

Important Dates of JoSAA 2018 Counselling

S.No Events Important Dates
1 Registration and Choice Filling of JoSAA 2018 June 15 to 25, 2018
2 Seat Allotment – Round 1 June 27, 2018
3 Seat Allotment – Round 2 July 3, 2018
4 Seat Allotment – Round 3 July 6, 2018
5 Seat Allotment – Round 4 July 9, 2018
6 Seat Allotment – Round 5 July 12, 2018
7 Seat Allotment – Round 6 July 15, 2018
8 Seat Allotment – Round 7 July 18, 2018

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Process of JoSAA 2018 Registration and Choice Filling

The online registration of JoSAA 2018 will commence from June 15, 2018. All JEE Main 2018 and JEE Advanced 2018 candidates who have qualified and wish to participate in the process of JoSAA 2018 will have to register themselves and fill their preferred choices of subject and Institute. The eligible candidates can follow the given steps for the registration and choice filling of JoSAA 2018.

Step 1 – JoSAA Registration

Firstly, the eligible candidates will have to register themselves for the process of JoSAA 2018. JoSAA 2018 Registration and Choice Filling has to be successfully completed by the candidates for allocation of seats into participating institutes.

  • To log into the account, the candidates will have to submit their JEE Main/Advanced 2018 roll number and password.
  • After successfully logging in, the personal details of the candidates will be retrieved from their JEE Main 2018 registration process. All of the information submitted by the candidates during their JEE Main registration will be present and the candidates will be required to verify if any discrepancy.
  • The candidates are required to compulsorily change their earlier password. While preparing their new password, the candidates will have to set a security question.
  • The candidates will be able to modify their contact details.
  • After checking all of the information, the candidates will have to click on “Submit Changes”.

Step 2 – Filling of Choices

After the candidates are successfully registered, a list of the various colleges and their courses will be displayed on the screen. All of the available choices will be based on the eligibility of the candidate. After selecting all of the preferred choices, the candidates will be able to modify the order by selecting “Arrange Filled Choices” and even deleted if required. The option of “Choices Rearrange” and “Choices Interchange” will also be available for the candidates. The new course and college preference list will be updated after the candidate saves all of the changes made.

Step 3 – Locking of Choices

Following the process of filling their preferred choices of college and courses, the candidates will be able to complete the choice filling process by clicking on “I agree to lock my choices”. In case the candidates wish to make some modifications later then they can click on “I will lock my choices later”. The candidates are advised to take a print out of the confirmed filled in choices for future reference.

Step 4 – Payment of Acceptance Fees

Candidates who have been allotted through the counselling of JoSAA 2018 will be required to download their “Provisional Allotment Letter”. The e-challan for payment of seat acceptance fee also has to be downloaded by the candidates. Payment of Rs. 45,000 by the general candidates and Rs. 20,000 by the SC/ST/Gen-PwD/OBC-NCL-PwD/SC-PwD or ST-PwD candidates have to be done through e-Challan or SBI Net Banking.

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Important Points of JoSAA 2018 Registration and Choice Filling

  • All of the candidates should make sure to check the eligibility criteria before registering for JoSAA 2018.
  • Only JEE Main and JEE Advanced qualified candidates will be able to participate in JoSAA 2018.
  • The list of choices available according to the eligibility of the candidates will be automatically displayed after the candidates successfully register themselves.
  • Modifications in the selected choices can be done by the candidates before locking of choices.
  • The personal and academic information of the candidate will be retrieved from the JEE Main registration database.

Here you got the JoSAA 2018 registration and Counselling details. Please post your comments or queries for Engineering admission on our Aftergraduation Forum or in below comment box. Share this article with your friends and Known, who are in need of some support and Counselling from AfterGraduation.

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