The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has released the CA Examination Admit Cards for the candidates admitted to the Foundation, Intermediate (IPC), Intermediate, Final and Final–New CA May/June 2019 examination on its official website.
The ICAI May/June 2019 CA examination admit cards with the photographs and signatures of the successfully registered candidates are hosted on The CA Examination will be held as Group I and II, in the month of May/June 2019. Candidates for CA May/June 2019 Examination will be allowed to opt for Hindi medium for answering papers.
ICAI Foundation course examination under the revised scheme as per syllabus contained in the scheme notified by the Council under Regulation 25 F (3) of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988 will be held on 4th, 7th, 13th and 11th June 2019.
Intermediate (IPC) Course Examination under existing scheme will be held on 28th, 30th May, 1st & 3rd June 2019 for the Group I while the Group II exams will be held on 6th, 8th & 10th June 2019.
Intermediate course examination under the revised scheme will be held on 28th, 30th May & 1st & 3rd June 2019 for the Group I and the Group II exams will be held on 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th June 2019.
Final course examination under existing scheme will be held on 27th, 29th, 31st May & 4th June 2019 for Group I and Group II exams will be held on 13th, 7th, 9th & 11th June 2019.
Final examination under the revised scheme for the Group I will be held on 27th, 29th, 31st May & 4th June 2019 while the Group II exams will be held on 13th, 7th, 9th & 11th June 2019.
The exam conducting authority, ICAI has also notified that the CA May 2019 examination admit card won’t be available in any other mode i.e by the post to those who have applied online. Applicants will be required to print the admit card from the below-mentioned link and procedure. In terms of the decision of the Examination Committee of the Institute, the practices of sending physical admit cards by post are discontinued in effect from May 2017 examination onwards.
READ Too: ICAI Changes CA Exam Pattern From May 2019
May/June 2019 CA Examination Admit Card: How To Download?
It is mandatory to carry the Admit Card on the exam day and in the absence of the same admission to the examination hall will not be granted. Candidates must check all instructions, exam venue, correct photograph, etc on the Admit Card. For downloading/printing the CA Examination admit cards, candidates have to login to their Single-Sign-On account and follow the below steps:
1. Visit
2. In the top navigation bar, move the cursor to Login/Register Tab
3. Login using your Login ID (Registration Number) and password
4. Click on the link in front of Admit Card Candidates and Follow the steps given, and download your admit card.
5. Take a printout for future use.
ICAI Test Centres and Timings
The ICAI May 2019 exams will be held on 193 centres in India and five centres abroad namely (1) Abu Dhabi (2) Dubai (3) Kathmandu (Nepal) (4) Muscat and (5) Doha.
The exams in India will be held in afternoon sessions (2:00 pm to 5:00 PM) and examination timings at Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Doha and Muscat Centres will be 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM, (UAE local time equivalent to 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM (IST)). Examination timings at Kathmandu centre will be 2:15 PM to 5:15 PM, (Nepal local time equivalent to 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM (IST)).
The admit card of CA May 2019 examination mentions candidate name, roll number, exam date, timings as well as details about test and examination centres.
READ ALSO: Opportunities For Indian CAs Risen In Foreign Countries
CA Helpdesk
Helpline Numbers
0120 3054 851, extensions- 852/ 853/854 and 835
0120 4953 751, extensions – 752/753 and 754
For any further clarifications, write to/contact:
Foundation candidates:
Final candidates:
Intermediate(IPC) candidates :
ALSO READ: Training Programme For Young CAs At IIM Ahmedabad
Share this article with your CA Students friends. Hope you have downloaded May/June 2019 Foundation, Intermediate (IPC), Intermediate, Final and Final– CA examination admit cards, whichever the stage you are. Have any queries or comments CA Exam May/June 2019 attempt, you can post in the below comment box.
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