The New Year 2019 celebration signifies that the time has arrived to bid farewell to the by-gone 2018 year and to welcome the beginning of the New Year. Its the time of the year when people are pumped up with new hopes and enthusiasm. There is a festivity in the air with the sense of making new year resolutions for the upcoming year to make India a much better one.
People in all parts of India dress colorfully and indulge in fun-filled activities such as singing, playing games, dancing, and attending parties. Nightclubs, movie theatres, resorts, restaurants and amusement parks are filled with people of all ages. Apart from the celebrations, the first day of a new year is also the day of resolutions. People take resolutions which are to be followed throughout the year.
People take these resolutions in order to bring the required changes in their lifestyles which might improve it. On a personal level almost everyone make promises, but we should not forget the fact that its our motherland which matters the most. Hence, some resolutions must also be take to make our India better. These are the resolutions which us Indians must take for our India.
Let us take a New Year resolutions for :
1. Clean India:
with the “Swachh Bharat” initiative, the Government has taken a big major step towards the cleanliness of our country. But are we, as its citizens, doing our parts right? There is yet a casualness in our approach towards cleanliness. The bitter truth is we want cleanliness, but we don’t want to clean. Even a small misplaced wrapper of chocolate adds to the piles of garbage littered on the road. LET’S TAKE A RESOLUTION to change our attitude towards the cleanliness and keep our country as clean as heaven.
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2. Corruption free
Corruption has become an ill root. It’s a deep-rooted problem now. It’s more than the under-table transaction. Right from giving extra money to get our petty works done to exchanging a big amount of cash: all counts under corruption. We can’t blame all on the big leaders.
Corruption lies even among common people.It lies within an employee who doesn’t pay the income tax, a police who takes a bribe, a civil engineer who puts up faulty items for construction or any other common person who do their wok in an unfair way. LET’S TAKE A RESOLUTION to minimize this corruption. Every small step taken matters in the long run. let’s make India corruption free.
3. Education Betterment
It’s known to everyone that education acts like a building block to the development of any nation. Education enlightens the way how it’s citizens think. Over the past, the education level of India has improved. But, the fact that India still lags behind the other countries can not be ignored. India possesses the largest illiterate population. Literacy rates stood at 82.14 percent for men in 2011 and 65.46 percent for women.
Even the existing systems are not big blessing. They stand far behind than the standard institutions all over the world. The reason being that Indian education has become static in its action. As the world is changing, so are the demands. Where the demand for the hour is practical experience, Indian education systems relies more on theory. The exposure to different disciplines are less. Still a trend of RAT RACE is followed.
Lack of research and creativity is also a major factor. Effective research opportunities are not being provided yet so as to explore more. Even the quality of infrastructure lags behind. Majority of Our universities are not well equipped with latest technology which makes them stand behind. So, LET’S TAKE A RESOLUTION so as to contribute every small step towards improve the literacy and education ranking of India.
4. Equal Status:
There is still a sense of inequality among people. This discrimination can be on the basis of caste, creed, gender, religion etc. This feeling of inequality leads to the disintegration of unity. Nevertheless, the discrimination still persists between the communities which affects the oneness of our country. This leads to the backwardness of the communities. How can a country be strong when it’s citizens are not united together? LET’S TAKE A RESOLUTION to treat everyone with equal dignity and respect by not discriminating them against their social, economic or cultural
5. Poverty Eradication:
India is projected to be the country with the highest growing GDP. Still, poverty exists so deeply in India where the people can not even cater to the basic well being. Still some 22% of the Indian population is below poverty line. The gap between the poor and the rich is widened. Footpaths yet serve as the beds for the poor people at night of that country which was once considered as the GOLDEN BIRD. Condition such malnutrition is not yet over. It is due to this poverty that countless hungry stomachs sleep at night. Rich are getting richer, poor are getting poorer. Poverty is the consequence of illiteracy, corruption, lack of opportunities, discrimination etc. So, LET’S TAKE A RESOLUTION to eradicate poverty by in return eradicating the factors which cause them.
Days will pass by, so will the years. But we can’t just sit laid back ranting about how our country should be without actually contributing anything towards its betterment. A country is just a land which. A country becomes alive by its citizens and their actions. So, this new year LET’S TAKE A RESOLUTION to make our India better
“What can be said in New Year rhymes,
That’s not been said a thousand times?
The new years come, the old years go,
We know we dream, we dream we know.
We rise up laughing with the light,
We lie down weeping with the night.
We hug the world until it stings,
We curse it then and sigh for wings.
We live, we love, we woo, we wed,
We wreathe our pride, we sheet our dead.
We laugh, we weep, we hope, we fear,
And that’s the burden of a year.”
“A very Happy New Year to you and your family”
Here you got the brief details about “New Year Resolutions to Make Better India”. Have any doubts or queries, you can discuss via comments or feedback in the below comment box or above query box.
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