NLU Odisha to Conduct CLAT 2019 Exam on May 12, Common Law Admission Test CLAT 2019 exam for Admissions to Law Degree Courses
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NLU Odisha to Conduct CLAT 2019 Exam on May 12

This year Common Law Admission Test, CLAT 2019 exam will be conducted by National Law University (NLU) Odisha on May 12, 2019. The entire schedule of the CLAT 2019 exam will be released soon. CLAT is the well-known law entrance exam conducted by 19 National Law Universities (NLUs) on the rotational basis every year for admissions to their Under-Graduate (UG) / Post-Graduate (PG) Law degree programmes. CLAT scores are also accepted by 43 other institutions where lthe Law subject is taught.

Candidates who are seeking admission in integrated LL.B. and LL.M. programme in 2019 can start preparing now for CLAT 2019. As per NLU Odisha official release “CLAT will now be conducted by the newly formed Executive Committee of the Consortium that would have, NLSIU-Bangalore, NALSAR-Hyderabad and NLIU-Bhopal as its ex-officio members, CLAT Convenor of the year, and the CLAT Convenor of the following year and two co-opted Vice-Chancellors of NLUs nominated by the CLAT Convener who have past experience of conducting CLAT”.

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The journey of CLAT started in 2008 and today more than 50,000 students prepare for the entrance exam every year to secure a seat in one of the prestigious Law School of Country, National Law University including NLSIU Bangalore-the Harvard of the East. Candidates can also get admission into different government & private law colleges all over the country, on the basis of CLAT Score.

Last year (2018), it was managed by the NUALS Kochi (National University of Advanced Legal Studies Kochi) in the month of May 2018. CLAT 2019 would be an online exam conducted by National Law University Odisha (NLUO), Cuttack to evaluate a candidate’s skills of Logical Reasoning, English, General Knowledge, Legal Aptitude and Mathematics.

The paper pattern is entirely different for UG and PG courses. The exam will be conducted in English language only. Candidates can check details of CLAT 2019 Exam Pattern along with the marking scheme further in this article.

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CLAT 2019 Exam Important Dates

Below are the important dates related to CLAT 2019:

Events Exam Dates (tentative)
Issuing for the first admission notification Second week of Dec 2018
Availability of the online application First week of Jan 2019
Last date to submit the filled-in online application form Last week of Mar 2019
Availability of the Admit Card Third week of Apr 2019
 CLAT 2019 Entrance Exam May 12, 2019
Availability of the Answer Key Second week of May 2019
 CLAT 2019 result declaration third week of May 2019
The release of Merit List first week of June 2019
Starting for the Counseling first week of June 2019

CLAT 2019 Eligibility Criteria

For UG Programmes:

  1. The ones who are appearing for under graduation programmes need to have cleared 10+2 or equivalent with at least 45% marks if they belong to Unreserved/OBC/SAP categories or at least they need to have 40% if they belong to SC/ST category.
  2. The candidates who are appearing for 10+2 or equivalent exam can also apply for the examination.
  3. Also, ensure that candidates show the passing qualifying application at the time of admission procedure.
  4. There is no age limit to be worried about.

For PG Programmes:

  1. Candidates who have cleared their LL.B. or relevant degree with minimum 55% marks in the categories like Unreserved/OBC/SAP and minimum 50% marks in the categories like SC and ST can fill the application form.
  2. At the time of admission, candidates required to show the proof of the qualifying examination.
  3. There is no age limit to apply for it for PG courses.

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CLAT 2019 Exam Pattern

For UG Courses

  • Questions: The question paper comprises of 200 marks.
  • Marking Scheme: 1 mark for each correct answer will be awarded and there will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong response.
  • Duration: The duration of examination will be 2 hours.
Subjects Marks
English including comprehension 40 marks
General knowledge & current affairs 50 marks
Elementary mathematics (numerical ability) 20 marks
Legal aptitude 50 marks
Logical reasoning 40 marks
Total 200 marks

For PG Courses

  • Questions: 150 MCQ type questions
  • Duration: 2 hours.
  • Marking Scheme: 1 mark will be rewarded for each correct response and there will be a penalty of 0.25 marks for each wrong response.
Subjects Marks
Constitutional Law 50 marks
Jurisprudence 50 marks
Other subjects such as contract, torts, criminal law, international law, IPR etc. 50 marks
Total 150 marks

CLAT 2019 Syllabus

The paper of CLAT 2019 will contain 200 questions and from five different subjects involving English (Comprehension), General Knowledge & Current Affairs, Elementary Mathematics (Numerical Ability), Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning. It shall be conducted in an online mode. Scope and coverage of questions under different subject areas:

English including comprehension: This section is based on comprehension passages and grammar to test the knowledge of candidates in English.

General Knowledge and Current Affairs: General awareness with static general knowledge will be tested in General Knowledge. Knowledge of national and international current affairs will also be tested by the candidates.

Mathematics: To test the candidate’s knowledge of elementary mathematics i.e. maths taught up to 10th Class/standard.

Legal Aptitude: Candidates will be tested on this topic to know their interest towards study of law, research aptitude and problem-solving ability. Legal propositions, and a set of facts to which said proposition has to be applied may be included. Some propositions may not be “true” in the real sense, but an assumption of “truth” of these propositions will have to be made by the candidates according to the questions.

Logical Reasoning: Ability of candidates can be judged through the identification of patterns, logical links and rectify illogical arguments. Syllogisms, logical sequences, analogies, etc. may be included in logical reasoning.

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CLAT 2019 Exam Application Form

The CLAT 2019 Exam Application Form provided through the online mode from the official portal. Before filling the application form, candidates must be sure to scan their documents like a photograph, SC/ST/SAP certificate (if applicable), signature, and domicile certificate (if applicable). Candidates can submit their application form through online only. It should be noted that candidates must submit their forms on time; otherwise, it will be considered non-applicable. Thus, the last date will be tentative in month March 2019.

Application Fee: Fees of the application form can be made via ‘challan’ or through online mode using net banking/credit card or debit card. It is Rs. 4,000 for UR/OBC/SAP category and Rs. 3,500 for SC/ST category. The fee won’t be refunded.

CLAT 2019 Preparation Tips

  • Prepare a schedule for the study on a regular basis and make a proper timetable.
  • Solve the previous year’s CLAT sample papers and do the practice of the questions.
  • For the good results, you can also join the coaching classes from any experienced faculty.
  • Select the books and material related to the course.
  • The main important thing is that you have to study on your own or the self-study is necessary for the better preparation.
  • Make a habit to read the newspaper, magazines and articles on the regular basis from the very first day.
  • The last and the final important tip is “STAY HEALTHY”.

READ MORE: CLAT 2019 Preparation Without Coaching, Check Exam Pattern, Preparation Plans And Tips

Candidates are advised to visit the CLAT-2019 website regularly for updates. If you have any queries regarding CLAT 2019 Exam, please post your query on our Aftergraduation Forum or in the below comment box. All the best to Law Aspirants and Start Your preparation.

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