Power Grid PGCIL Jobs Through GATE-2019, PGCIL Recruitment of Civil, Electrical & Electronics Engineers for AET post through GATE 2019 score.
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PGCIL Recruitment Through GATE 2019 For Engineers

Power Grid PGCIL Recruitment through GATE 2019 – Powergrid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) has released the official notification for the recruitment of Civil, Electrical and Electronics Engineers to the post of ‘Executive Trainee‘ through GATE 2019. Those Candidates who will qualify in GATE 2019 would be eligible for the PGCIL recruitment through GATE 2019 score.

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Power Grid Recruitment through GATE 2019 has 50 vacancies for the post of executive trainees. Interested and eligible candidates must, however, fill the Power Grid application form using their GATE registration number on or before 20 February 2019. Out of total 50 PGCIL Vacancies to be filled through GATE 2019, 33 are for Electrical, 7 for Electronics and 10 for Civil Engineers.

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PGCIL job aspirants must read the detailed article below for more information about the parameters for eligibility, dates, Online application process, selection procedure, cutoff, pay scale etc about PGCIL recruitment through GATE 2019.

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Important Dates of PGCIL Recruitment Through GATE 2019

S.No Important Events Important Dates 
1 Application Form availability 30 January 2019
3 Final Date for submission of Application Form and 20 February 2019
5 Group Discussions (GD)and Personal Interviews (PI) April 2019 (Tentative date)

READ Too: GATE Scores For PSU Recruitment

PGCIL Vacancy Details Through GATE 2019

Post Name: Executive Trainee – 24th Batch in POWERGRID

  • Executive Trainee (Electrical) – 33 Posts
  • Executive Trainee (Electronics)– 7 Posts
  • Executive Trainee (Civil)– 10 Posts

Eligibility Criteria for Power Grid Recruitment

Like any other organization, Power Grid has eligibility criteria for candidates who are interested to apply for the PGCIL jobs. The details have been discussed below.

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S.No Criteria Details
1 Nationality Indians
2 Age Limit( as per as December 31, 2018)
  • General category candidates: 28 years
  • OBC candidates: 31 years
  • SC/ST Candidates: 33 years
  • PwD candidates: 38 years old.
3 Disciplines
4 Academic eligibility The candidates should have a qualification of B.E./ B.Tech/ B.Sc (Engineering) courses from a recognized Institute. Candidates with Integrated Degrees are also eligible.
5 Students of Final year Candidates in Final year/semester who will be expecting their results by August 14, 2019, are also eligible to apply. They should have a minimum of 65% marks or CGPA in all semesters/years till pre-final examination.
6 Qualifying Marks General and OBC (NCL) candidates: minimum 65% marks or equivalent CGPA in the qualifying degree examination.

SC/ ST/ PwD candidates are required to obtain at least the passing marks.

How to Apply for the PGCIL Jobs Through GATE 2019

The interested and eligible candidates can apply online for the PGCIL Recruitment Through GATE 2019 through the PGCIL official website from January 30, 2019, to February 20, 2019.

READ ALSO: GATE Normalization Process To Calculate Normalized Marks And GATE Score

Payment of Application Fees 

The candidates will be able to pay the application fees via Online mode. A sum of Rs. 500 as the application fees will have to  be paid. SC/ ST/ PwD/ Ex-SM candidates are exempted from any such application fees.

Power Grid Selection Process Process

On the basis of marks scored in GATE 2019, the candidates will be shortlisted for further rounds. The GATE 2019 results will be announced on March 16, 2019. The further selection procedure for PGCIL recruitment are as follows :

  • Group Discussions (GD)
  • Personal Interview (PI)

During the calculation of the final scores, the weightage distribution is as follows:

S.No Parameters Percentage %
1 GATE  Score (Out of 100) 85%
2 Group Discussion(GD) 3%
3 Personal Interview (PI) 12%
Total 100%

The marks needed to qualify for the personal interview for various categories are listed below:

Qualifying Percentage for PGCIL Personal Interview

S.No Category Percentage needed to be qualified
1 General Category 40%
2 SC/ ST/ OBC Category 30%
3 PwD Category


For ET ( Electrical) for disability – OH(OL)/ HH and

For ET (Computer Sc.) for disability- OH(OA/OL/BL)/ HH/ VH only

ALSO READ: GATE Exam Key Statistics Of Candidate Registration, Qualified And Subject Chosen

Pay Scale Offered for Power Grid Recruitment through GATE 2019

The selected candidates will have to undergo training which is of a year duration. They would be at pay scale of Rs. 60,000 – Rs. 1,80,000. After completing the training successfully, the candidates will be posted as engineers. Total package and other emoluments may vary based on the place of posting as well as the terms of appointment.

Information about Service Agreement

The candidates who are selected will have to execute a service agreement bond to successfully complete their training period of one year. They also have to serve the organization for a minimum of 3 years. A service bond for Rs. 5,00,000 has to be executed by the General category candidates. The SC/ST candidates will have to execute Rs. 2,50,000 bond.

GATE Cutoff for Powergrid Recruitment

GATE 2017 Cutoff score, the shortlisting marks for Group Discussion and Interview for POWERGRID Recruitment.

Discipline UR Category OBC Category (NCL) SC Category ST Category PwD Category
Electrical Engineering 63.18 58.67 46.36 48.98 OH-29.31 HH-28.86
Electronics Engineering 69.17 64.38 54.81 47.45
Civil Engineering 81.66 75.85 67.91 63.59

READ MORE: Multiple Options After GATE Qualification, Focus On Your Goal

All the Best job Aspirant Engineers. If you have any queries regarding PGCIL Recruitment through GATE 2019, please post on AfterGraduation Forum or in below comment box and we would be happy to discuss.

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