The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) announced the results of the Combined Graduate Level Examination 2016 (CGLE) Tier-II on Tuesday. The SSC CGL Examinations conducted annually to recruit staff to various posts in ministries, departments and organisations of the Government of India.
SSC CGL is conducted by the Staff Selection Commission to recruit the suitable candidates for various central Government posts such as SI in CBI, Auditor, Assistant, Divisional Accountant, Central Excise & IT Departments of posts, Junior Accountant, UDC in central govt organizations and other staff for various Group B and Group C posts. Every year lakh of candidates are going to attempt for SSC CGL Posts. The selection of candidates will be done by Tier I, Tier II, Tier III examinations. Candidates need to qualify each level to reach the end phase of selection process.
SSC has successfully conducted the computer based Tier II Examination from 30th November to 3rd December 2016. The SSC even conducted re-examination for the same at some centers in January 2017. Many of the aspirants those have qualified the Tier 1 examination have appeared for the Tier 2 examination in their respective examination centers. Candidates who have been eagerly waiting for the results can now check them from the official SSC website. Answer keys for the exam are also available on the website.
About 1,20,933 candidates appeared in two shifts each day at 356 venues in 57 cities for this computer based exam. After excluding common candidates, 35,906 candidates are qualifying in Tier-II.
Results are Available for the following
Assistant Audit Officer post candidates in tier 2 and are appearing for tier 3
CPT and candidates in tier 2 and are appearing for tier 3
Junior Statistical Officer Gr 2 candidates in tier 2 and are appearing for tier 3
DEST and candidates in tier 2 and are appearing for tier 3
Based on the marks in written examination in Tier-I and Tier-II and as per cut-off fixed by the Commission, candidates qualifying as under:
- for Tier-III for post of Assistant Audit Officer
- for Tier-III/CPT for Assistant Section Officer in CSS and Assistant in MEA
- for Tier-III for Junior Statistical Officer (Grade-II)
- for Tier-III/DEST for all posts (except AAO, ASO/Assistant (in MEA and CSS) and Junior Statistical Officer (Grade-II))
Steps to Download SSC CGL Tier II 2016 Results
- Log on to the official website of the SSC with their user ID and PWD created earlier.
- Under the heading “Latest News” on the main page, click on “Declaration of result of Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2016 (TIER-2)”.
- In the new page click on the result link beside the category for which you gave the exam. Click on it, and enter the details of ID, Password etc,. Finally Submit the details by selecting the submit button down to the details. SSC CGL Tier 2 results, cutoff marks and merit list 2016 will appear on screen.
- Download the results list and take a print out of the same for further reference.
READ Too : Civil Services Examination 2017 Dates, Eligibility And Other Details Announced
Prerequisites for Appearing SSC CGL
Candidates applying for the various posts need to have a bachelor’s degree from a recognised university at the time of applying. Age of the candidate must be between 18 and 27 years as of January 1 of the test taking year. The application fee was Rs. 100 in 2016. All women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Physically Handicapped, and Ex-Servicemen eligible for reservation are exempted from paying application fee.
SSC CGL Exam Pattern
The examination consists of a Preliminary Examination followed by a Main examination. Earlier it also used to have interviews, but following a government order, interviews have been dispensed off for all non-gazetted posts in the central government. A computer proficiency test or a skill test will also be held for some posts.
Preliminary Examination
The preliminary examination will be out of 200 marks. It will have 4 sections, which have to be completed in a total time of 75 minutes.
- General Intelligence and Reasoning
- General Awareness
- Quantitative Aptitude
- English Comprehension
Main Examination
The main examination will also have four sections. Section 1 and 2 will be compulsory for all candidates who have qualified.Section 3 and 4 are only for candidates who have applied for special posts.
- Quantitative Ability
- English Language and Comprehension
- Statistics
- General Studies (Finance and Economics)
SSC has also decided to add a paper based descriptive paper which can be attempted in English or Hindi for Essay, Precis, Letter writing. his paper replaced the interview of 100 mark.
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(Image Credit: The Indian Express)