CS June 2019 Executive And Professional Results: The results of Company Secretaries Executive Programme (Old and New Syllabus) and Professional Programme (Old and New Syllabus) examinations held in June 2019 has been declared today on August 25, 2019, by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). ICSI conducts CS Foundation, CS Executive and Professional exams twice in a year in the months of June and December. Earlier, Institute […]
Tag: CS december 2019 Examinations Schedule For Executive Programme
CS Examinations Dec-2019 Timetable For Executive and Professional Programme
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has released CS Examinations Dec-2019 Timetable for Executive and Professional programme. The CS Examinations Dec-2019 for Executive and Professional programmes (Old and New Syllabus) will start from December 20, 2019. ICSI conducts CS course Examinations twice a year in the month of June & December. Examination for CS Foundation programme is computer-based while for CS Executive and […]