Smart India Hackathon 2018's Grand Finale on March 30, 31st At 28 Nodal Centres across the Country
Engineering Events MCA Science and Technology

Smart India Hackathon 2018’s Grand Finale on March 30, 31st At 28 Nodal...

Smart India Hackathon 2018, a unique initiative to identify new and disruptive digital technology innovations for solving the challenges faced by our country. In order to work towards our Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi‘s vision for Digital India and promote digital literacy, MHRD, AICTE, i4C, and Persistent Systems organized Smart India Hackathon, the world’s largest […]

ICSI Introduced CS New Syllabus for Executive and Professional Programmes
Commerce CS News Preparation & Admission

ICSI Introduced CS New Syllabus for Executive and Professional Programmes

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has introduced CS New Syllabus for Executive and Professional Programmes. The revised syllabus of the Company Secretary (CS) course for the Executive and Professional programme is effective from March 1, 2018. The first examination under the CS new syllabus for CS Executive Programme shall be held in December 2018 and […]