MIM Vs MBA, Better ...
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MIM Vs MBA, Better For Career?

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This is a discussion on AfterGraduation's new article "MIM Or MBA, Which Is Better Qualification For You After Graduation?"

These days a Master is not just an asset but a necessity. Better and more qualifications are the best ”letter of recommendation” you can put on the job market. Therefore, gaining a postgraduate degree is a win-win move, as long as you know which program will best meet your needs and aspirations. This is a generation in transition. MIM (Master in Management) or MBA (Master of Business Administration) is a question that almost every college comes across at some point of application process when deciding on the future.

After the biggest financial meltdown in history, the global economy is still trying to recover and the labor market has morphed beyond recognition in many parts of the world. It was only a matter of time before the changing job projects for young people had a knock-on effect on the way people study. It used to be that after graduation students could either plunge right into the workforce or study further and hone their skills in a particular niche.

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