The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, ICSI has released the Company Secretary, CS Admit Card 2019 on its official website for Foundation, Executive and Professional program December Exams. Students who have applied for CS December 2019 Exams can download their E-Admit Card or hall ticket by using their 17 digit registration number through below mentioned steps. ICSI has formally issued admit cards for the CS Professional and […]
Tag: CS Foundation programme December 2019
Instructions To CS Foundation December-2019 Examinees
This is the high time For CS Foundation December-2019 Examinees to burn the midnight oil for the Exams, as hard work, passion and preparation always payback. ICSI has shared the Instructions to CS Foundation December-2019 Examinees, for the Examination which is scheduled to be held on December 28 and 29, 2019. The computer-based Examination for CS […]