20 Top Law Institutes in India Ranked by MHRD, NLSIU Bangalore Ranked 1 followed by NLU Delhi and NALSAR Hyderabad: NIRF Ranking 2020 for law Colleges
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20 Top Law Institutes in India Ranked by MHRD, NLSIU Ranked 1: NIRF Ranking 2020

The National Law School of India University (NLSIU) Bengaluru has retained the top position for three consecutive years as the top Law Institutes in India list as per the MHRD ranking system- National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF). The NIRF rankings 2020 for educational institutes were announced by Union HRD minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank in a virtual […]

NIRF Rankings 2020: Check Here For Top Engineering, Management, Pharmacy, Law etc categories educational Institutes in India Ranked by MHRD
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NIRF Rankings 2020: Check Here For Top Institutes in India Ranked by MHRD

HRD Minister Ramesh Nishank Pokhriyal on Thursday announced the NIRF Rankings 2020 listing the top institutes and universities in India this year. The NIRF rankings are usually announced in April but were delayed this year due to the Covid-19 crisis. This is the NIRF rankings fifth edition included Dental colleges for first time. The Education […]