The Top Engineering colleges in India 2019: NIRF Ranking 2019. Engineering aspirants look for the best college among top Engineering Colleges, Best Engineering Colleges in India 2019
BITS Pilani Engineering IIT Bombay IIT Delhi IIT Kanpur IIT Kharagpur IIT Madras IIT Roorkee Institutes News Science and Technology

Top Engineering Colleges in India: NIRF Ranking 2019

It is the high time when aspiring Engineering student look for the dream college and where it stands among the top Engineering Colleges in India. Many organizations release a separate list for the top engineering colleges ranking in India according to the score high on the indicators of academic excellence. When it comes to taking a […]

20 Top Law Institutes in India Ranked by MHRD, NLSIU Bangalore Ranked 1 followed by NLU Delhi and NALSAR Hyderabad: NIRF Ranking 2020 for law Colleges
Institutes Law News Others

15 Top Law Colleges in India, NLSIU Ranked 1: NIRF Ranking 2019

The National Law School of India University (NLSIU) Bengaluru has retained the top position for two consecutive years as the top Law Colleges in India list as per the government ranking system- National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF). The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) rankings were announced by the President of India Mr Ramnath Kovind at an event on Monday, April 08, […]

10 Top MBA Colleges in India: IIM Bangalore regains top position from IIM Ahmedabad in NIRF Ranking 2019. Top Indian Business School, Best Management Institutes in India NIRF Rankings
Business Management IIM Ahmedabad IIM Bangalore IIM Calcutta IIM Indore IIM Lucknow IIM Udaipur Institutes MDI Gurgaon SPJIMR XLRI Jamshedpur

10 Top MBA Colleges in India: NIRF Ranking 2019

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore emerged as the top-ranked B-School in India, followed by the IIMs in Ahmedabad, Calcutta, Lukhnow and Indore, of the list of Management College in the NIRF India Rankings 2019. Last year there were 4 IIMs in 10 top MBA Colleges in India, this year 6 IIMs have made it in […]

10 Top Indian Institutes based on NIRF Ranking 2019 - Overall, Universities, Engineering, Colleges, Management, Law and other categories.
Business Management Institutes Institutes Institutes Law News Others Science and Technology

NIRF Ranking 2019: Top 10 Institutes From All Categories

Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD)’s National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2019 is released today, April 08, 2019 by the President of India to rank the Indian Educational Institutes. President Ramnath Kovind released the NIRF Ranking 2019 in 9 categories which included Overall, Universities, Engineering, Colleges, Management, Pharmacy, Medical, Architecture, and Law. IITs dominated major categories like Overall […]